Moscow, first city to start mass vaccination against covid-19 – Health


The vaccination campaign against covid-19 in Russia began this Saturday in Moscow (Russia), which thus became the pioneer city in the use of the Russian preparation Spútnik V, that until now had been administered only to the military and volunteers, within the framework of clinical trials.

The start of vaccinations in the capital coincided with a new record of daily infections both in the city and the country as a whole, with 7,993 and 28,789 new cases of coronavirus, respectively.

(Also read: Hackers attack cold chain systems for covid vaccines)

To do this, vaccination centers have been set up in seventy Moscow polyclinics, which in the first stage of the campaign can be attended by people between 18 and 60 years old belonging to risk groups, such as teachers, health workers or social workers.

Vaccination, of a voluntary nature, is carried out by appointment, which is requested through the internet in the portal of services of the mayor’s office. The entire procedure takes about an hour, as it includes a medical exam, the preparation of the vaccine (it must be thawed on the spot) and an observation period of half an hour after it has been administered.

The vaccine is administered in two doses, so people who received it this Saturday will have to return in three weeks to have the second injected. In one hour, four people were vaccinated at the vaccination center of branch 8 of the consultation and diagnosis polyclinic No. 121.

(You may be interested in: The countries that will begin to apply the vaccines against covid-19 first)

Center staff refused to provide information on the number of people vaccinated this Saturday and also those who have made an appointment for the next two weeks.

7 million people will be vaccinated

According to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobianin, thousands of people have already requested an appointment to be vaccinated and the City Council’s plans foresee that the campaign will reach up to seven of the almost thirteen million inhabitants of the city.

As with any vaccine, this can cause weakness and a slight increase in body temperature in the first 24 hours after administration.

“As with any vaccine, this can cause weakness and a slight increase in body temperature in the first 24 hours after its administration,” warned the director of the Moscow polyclinic, Natalia Shindriayev, in statements to the RIA Nóvosti agency. The doctor stressed that this is an “absolutely normal reaction.”

However, surveys show that the population is not very likely to be vaccinated. According to a survey published by the portal, Only 9% of Russians are firmly determined to get vaccinated against covid-19 and 21% are in favor of it, while the remaining 80% express reluctance.

Coronavirus Vaccine

According to a poll published by the portal, only 9% of Russians are firmly determined to get vaccinated against covid-19

“More than 20,000 people received the two doses of the vaccine in the course of clinical trials and only fell ill (from covid-19) 273, 1.5%”Moscow Deputy Mayor Anastasia Rákova said on Friday, underlining the effectiveness of Spútnik V, the first vaccine registered by the Russian Ministry of Health.

The preparation, which uses human adenovirus as a vector, was developed by the Gamaleya Center and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (FIDR), it is more than 95% effective, according to its creators, and the price of the two doses is $ 20.

Russia is also working on the mass distribution of another vaccine, EpiVacCorona, developed by the Véktor State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology.

This compound was registered in Russia last October, but the results of phase III clinical trials regarding efficacy have not yet been published. A third Russian vaccine, developed by the Chumakov Center, is preparing for phase III clinical trials.

