More than a million vehicles will enter Bogotá at the end of the week off


Agglomerations on the Vía a La Calera, specifically in the viewpoint sector.  In addition to a health risk, due to the pandemic, it implies traffic jams in this corridor that connects the neighboring municipality with Bogotá.  Photo: District Secretary of Mobility.
Agglomerations on the Vía a La Calera, specifically in the viewpoint sector. In addition to a health risk, due to the pandemic, it implies traffic jams in this corridor that connects the neighboring municipality with Bogotá. Photo: District Secretary of Mobility.

The last time the barrier of one million vehicles was crossed, it coincided with the Kings Bridge. At that time, the scene was different. This October 12, a figure equal to or greater than that registered in January is expected due to the end of the school recess, the last of 2020.

Despite the fact that there were 9 holidays between January and this date, road mobility in Bogotá and the department of Cundinamarca did not reach 90,000 vehicles.

The increase will be visible during the day on the main access roads to the capital, so the recommendation of the authorities, apart from having a lot of patience, is to carefully follow the instructions of the police, respect the signs and limits speed set.

In accordance with Jorge Godoy, secretary of mobility, this return plan had an increase in 28% compared to the same period of 2019. He also added that the roads with the highest traffic during the weekend prior to this holiday were: those of the provinces of Sumapaz, Tequendama and Alto Magdalena, so the municipalities with the most the capital families were Fusagasugá, La Mesa, Girardot and Ricaurte.

On the other hand, the Transport Terminal reported that from October 1 to noon on October 10, “la departure of 192,000 passengers in 25,400 vehicles, reaching 36% of the passenger output compared to the same period of 2019; and in vehicles, 65% of normal operation”.

Since Sunday, October 11, traffic authorities and the National Police advance a care device deployed in key access points to the capital, such as: the entrances by the North highway, the South highway, 13th street, 80th street, the highway to the Llano and, especially, the South Highway, which will be subject to frequent monitoring by the authorities given the traffic flow generated on this highway.

It is on the South Highway where the peak and plate will be activated, which works as follows: From 0:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and between 8 p.m. and 12 p.m., vehicles will enter without a peak and plate . Between 12 m. and at 4 pm the first restriction shift will begin: only cars whose last license plate number is even will take the South Highway and between 4 pm and 8 pm it will be the entry shift for cars whose last license plate number is odd.

The restriction will operate for the section of the highway that passes through Soacha. There will be no appearances or immobilizations for this occasion, in order to speed up the entry of vehicles into the city. Drivers will also find three detour points to lighten traffic on that section: Mondoñedo, Mosquera and entrance to Bogotá. In addition, to collaborate in the agility of the traffic, there will be mobility managers, whose work will be oriented to provide support to the authorities. To this will be added the presence of thirty drones, in charge of monitoring the roads in real time and prioritizing traffic lights in corridors such as the South highway, the 7th race, the road to La Calera, 80th street, 13th street. and Boyacá Avenue in the extreme south.

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