more than 670 health workers have been infected.


Of the total infected, according to the portfolio, 646 had symptoms of the virus, while the rest, although they tested positive, were asymptomatic, while 324 more cases are still under study by the health authorities.

Nursing assistants (227 cases), doctors (146 cases), nurses (100 cases), administrative staff (35 cases), pharmacy technicians (24 cases) and professionals in respiratory therapy with 24 cases, have been the most affected health workers, add the document.

Transit guard infected with coronavirus

Of the people affected by the coronavirus in the sector, 4 doctors, 2 nursing assistants, 2 drivers and an administrative area worker have died in the middle of the emergency, while 382 are found in isolation.

As reported by the Ministry of Health, Bogotá (259 cases), Risaralda (105), Antioquia (73, Cali (61), Santa Marta (44), Huila (18) and Magdalena (18), are the regions in which health workers have been most affected.

Ministry of Health.
Ministry of Health.
