Missing youth in Lower Cauca Antioquia were captured by Los Caparros


This was announced by Colonel Jorge Cabra, commander of the Antioquia Police, after the release of one of the six young people who disappeared on February 27.

After the release of Mauricio Ramírez, 21 years old and one of the six young people who were reported as missing in lower Cauca Antioquia, the Police of that department reported that this group of men is being held by the criminal gang Los Caparros. The young people left Anserma (Caldas) bound for Cartagena. They made their trip hitchhiking truck drivers.

“According to Mauricio, some people come and take them to the other side of the river. In this way they are invited to work as part of a criminal activity in Los Caparros ”, explained Colonel Jorge Cabra, commander of the Antioquia Police. The criminals have proposed a million pesos to them to take part in their illicit activities.

We recommend reading: They rescue one of the young men who disappeared in Lower Cauca in Antioquia

Ramirez He was found in good physical health, as he only presented geospatial disorientation. “This is one of the forms of illegal recruitment. They are people who do not know the jurisdiction and are assaulted in their good faith, it is one of the hypotheses “, explained Cabra.

Ramírez’s family told Noticias Caracol that the young man’s release occurred because he suffers from a disability in his spine, in which he has more than 30 screws implanted after surgery to correct an injury.

The Caparros are a criminal organization that disputes the territory of lower Cauca Antioquia and the south of Córdoba with the Clan del Golfo. These areas are part of a strategic corridor for organizations related to drug trafficking, illegal mining and other illicit activities. The history of this criminal organization dates back to the late 1990s, when paramilitary expansion began to take shape.

Los Caparros, according to statements by Carlos Mario Jiménez Naranjo, alias Bow, were created by him in 1996, after he ordered Virgilio Peralta Arenas, alias Victor Caparrapo –So called because he was a native of Caparrapí (Cundinamarca) -, to recruit several men from that municipality to join the paramilitary group that, at that time, was called Caparrapos, a name that the authorities changed in 2019 to avoid stigmatization against the inhabitants of that Cundinamarques town.

The beginning of the demobilization of the Farc, in 2017, changed the panorama: the Caparros quickly expanded in the territories that were abandoned by the 18th and 36th fronts of that guerrilla.

We recommend reading: Los Caparros, the group that terrorizes the Lower Cauca of Antioquia
