Minsalud reports 7,285 cases of covid-19 and 324 deaths in the country



279 new cases of coronavirus were recorded by the National Institute of Health in the last 24 hours, bringing the patient registry to 7,285 today.

In the report, the entity indicated that the new cases were observed in Bogotá (73), Valle (43), Barranquilla (33), Amazonas (31), Cartagena (25), Atlántico (18), Norte de Santander (11) , Caldas (11), Santa Marta (7), Risaralda (5), Meta (4), Magdalena (3), Nariño (3), Cesar (3), Chocó (2), Antioquia (2), Cundinamarca (2 ), Boyacá (1), Bolívar (1) and Tolima (1).

Likewise, it was indicated that 5,652 tests were processed today.

For its part, 10 new cases were added to the list of deceased, bringing the number of deaths from 314 to 324 throughout the country.

The breakdown of the dead is as follows:

– 79-year-old woman in Leticia. Comorbidities: HT, asthma, chronic kidney disease.

– 79-year-old man in San Cayetano (Norte de Santander). Comorbidities: Stroke and malnutrition.

– 71-year-old man in Ocaña (Norte de Santander). Comorbidities: HT, laryngeal cancer.

– 74-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: diabetes.

– 72-year-old man in Bogotá. Comorbidities: HTA.

– 63-year-old man in Barranquilla. Comorbidities: HT, diabetes.

– 24-year-old woman in Villavicencio. Comorbidities: former smoker.

– 95-year-old woman in Bogotá. No comorbidities.

– 90-year-old man in Florida (Valle del Cauca). No comorbidities.

– 87-year-old woman in Granada (Antioquia). Comorbidities: HTA.

The number of recovered patients also increased from 1,551 to 1,666.

See here the map of EL COLOMBIANO on the cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the country:

(If you can’t see the charts correctly, click here)


According to the latest report from the Ministry of Health, Colombia reached 7,006 infected by Covid-19. 499 new cases and 21 more deaths were reported, for a total of 314 deaths.

Of the 499 new infections, 146 occurred in Bogotá, 103 in Meta, followed by Valle with 68. Atlántico reported 47, Nariño 36, Tolima 19, Cartagena 14, Huila 13, Santa Marta 12, Boyacá 7, Barranquilla 7, Magdalena 6 , Risaralda 4, Norte de Santander 4, Cundinamarca 4, Antioquia 3, Córdoba 3, Quindío 1, Caquetá 1 and Amazonas 1.

Among the 21 deceased, a 73-year-old woman was reported in Soledad, Atlántico, without comorbidities; a 76-year-old woman in Bogotá, a smoker; a 65-year-old man in Bogotá with leukemia; an 82-year-old woman in Buenaventura with HT and chronic kidney failure; a 71-year-old man in Bogotá with congestive heart failure; and an 81-year-old woman in Cali with vulvar cancer.

A 46-year-old man in Bogotá also died with kidney failure and malnutrition; a 79-year-old man in Cali with coronary heart disease, HT, and endocardigis; a 58-year-old man in Cartagena without comorbidities; a 48-year-old man in Malambo, Atlántico with obesity; a 72-year-old man in Ciénaga with heart disease and obesity; a 64-year-old woman in Bogotá with lymphoma; a 67-year-old man in Villavicencio who was a smoker, had heart failure and Epoc; a 76-year-old man in Roldanillo, Valle with HTA; a 71-year-old man in Leticia without comorbidities.

In Leticia a 58-year-old woman died without comorbidities and a 56-year-old man without any disease. In Bogotá, a 62-year-old woman died in Bogotá with HT and obesity, and another 59-year-old with heart failure. In Boyacá a 70-year-old man died in Garagoa and a one-month-old baby in Samacá who had been born prematurely.

Likewise, 1,551 recovered were reported and 4,293 samples were processed.


According to the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours there were 296 new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Colombia and 15 deaths. The total balance is 6,507 sick people, 293 dead and 1,439 recovered.

The new cases were presented in Bogotá (90), Valle 841), Atlántico (34), Cartagena (25), Barranquilla (22), Santa Marta (18), Huila (16), MAgdalena (12), Caldas (1 ‘ ), MEta (9), Risaralda (6), Antioquia (4), Cundinamarca (4), Tolima (2), Boyacá (2) and Bolívar (1). 4,504 tests were processed.

The city with the most deaths was Cali with 4 (two men of 29 and 44 years old and two women of 64 and 66 years old), followed by Bogotá (two men of 24 and 69 years old and one woman of 85 years old) Leticia (two men 68 and 75 years old), Barranquilla (a 58 year old woman and a 67 year old man), Cartagena (63 year old man), Pereira (67 year old woman), Neiva (61 year old woman) and Cúcuta (75 year old woman) years).


The National Institute of Health published an errata faith in which it confirmed four new cases, bringing the total to 6,211 infected people.

The four additional cases occurred in La Guajira, where there are, then, 9 people with the disease.


6,207 confirmed cases, 278 dead and 1,411 recovered. That is the balance of the most recent report of the Ministry of Health of coronavirus in Colombia.

The 258 confirmed cases occurred in Bogotá (135), Amazonas (27), Valle (23), Atlántico (15), Cartagena (11), Meta (8), Nariño (5), Antioquia (5), Tolima (4 ), Magdalena (4), Cundinamarca (4), Caldas (3), Huila (3), Santa MArta (2), Risaralda (2), Casanare (2), Barranquilla (2), Caquetá (1), Chocó ( 1) and Cauca (1). In the last 24 hours, 5,068 tests were processed.

In addition, 9 deaths occurred, of which 7 occurred in Bogotá (6 men of 74, 74, 71, 65, 64 and 61 years and a woman of 69 years). The other two were in Melgar (44-year-old woman) and Puebloviejo (76-year-old woman). Most of the victims had comorbidities.

TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 5:09 P.M.

The new report from the Ministry of Health reveals 352 new infections of the covid-19, distributed as follows:

Meta (107), Bogotá (65), Amazonas (37), Valle (34), Nariño (17), Cartagena (13), Atlántico (9), Barranquilla (9), Huila (9), Norte de Santander (7 ), Tolima (7), Risaralda (6), Casanare (6), Caquetá (5), Córdoba (3), Antioquia (3), Cauca (3), Caldas (2), Santa Marta (2), Boyacá ( 2), Cesar (2), Quindío (1), Magdalena (1), Santander (1) and Chocó (1).

The report also reports the deaths of 16 people, 6 women and 10 men. Most suffered from comorbidities prior to the coronavirus. With these figures, Colombia reaches 5,949 infections, 269 deaths and 1,268 recovered.

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 4:30 P.M.

The National Institute of Health published a new report of coronavirus cases in the country, in which it confirmed that there are 218 new ones, reaching 5,597. In addition there were 9 deaths, to reach 253. The number of people recovered is located at 1,210.

In the last 24 hours, cases were formed in Bogotá (107), Atlántico (32), Meta (16), Tolima (12), Barranquilla (10), Antioquia (9), Valle (6), Huila (5), Cauca (4), Quindío (3), Santa Marta (3), Cartagena (3), Nariño (3), Cundinamarca (3), Norte de Santander (1) and Bolívar (1). During this period, 3,793 tests were processed. Bogotá, with 2,345 confirmed, is the place in Colombia with the most cases.

Of the 9 deaths, they occurred in Neiva (60-year-old man), Soacha (32-year-old man), Santa Marta (75-year-old woman), Tumaco (63-year-old man), Bogotá (86-year-old woman and 70-year-old man) years), Quimbaya (74-year-old man), Medellín (74-year-old man) and Cúcuta (78-year-old woman).

SUNDAY, APRIL 26. 4:35 P.M

5,379 confirmed cases, 244 deaths and 1,133 people recovered. That is the figure given by the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health in this Sunday’s daily report of coronavirus infections in Colombia. In total, 237 new cases and 11 deaths were confirmed. After 6,053 tests were processed.

The cases confirmed in the last 24 hours are concentrated in Bogotá (94), Meta (46), Valle (26), Cartagena (14), Barranquilla (11), Atlántico (9), Santa Marta (8), Cundinamarca (6 ), Risaralda (5), Huila (3), Antioquia (3), Amazonas (3), Boyacá (2), Cauca (1), Caldas (1), Nariño (1), Santander (1), Norte de Santander (1), Quindío (1) and Chocó (1).

With 2,245 cases, Bogotá is the place with the most patients, followed by Valle del Cauca (841), Antioquia (452), Meta (232) and Cundinamarca (203).

The deaths occurred in Barranquilla (a 71-year-old woman), Cartagena (two women, 87 and 70 years old), Tenjo –Cundinamarca– (a 52-year-old man), Bogotá (a 70-year-old woman), Zipaquirá –Cundinamarca– (a 54-year-old man), Chía –Cundinamarca– (an 87-year-old woman), Pereira (a 58-year-old woman), Floridablanca –Santander– (a 65-year-old man), Unión Panamericana –Chocó– (a woman from 46 years old) and Río de Oro –Cesar– (a 71 year old man).


5,142 is the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Colombia. The Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Health confirmed 261 new cases, after processing 3,068 tests in the last 24 hours. In addition, 8 deaths were confirmed, reaching 233 deaths. 1,067 people have been confirmed.

The new cases were reported in Bogotá (8), Risaralda (32), Meta (24), Amazonas (23), Valle del Cauca (19), Atlántico (15), Nariño (13), Cesar (11), Barranquilla ( 7), Cundinamarca (7), Cartagena (6), La Guajira (3), Santa Marta (3), Antioquia (2), Huila (2), Magdalena (2), Santander (1), Tolima (1) and Córdoba (1).

Three of the deaths were in Bogotá: two men aged 78 and 46 and a woman aged 91, all with comorbidities. In the municipality of San Francisco (Antioquia) an 80-year-old man died. In Valledupar, Leticia and Cali, men of confirmed ages of 85, 79 and 66 also died. The eighth death was that of an 82-year-old woman in Rio de Oro (Cesar). All had diseases other than covid-19.


The National Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health confirmed 320 new cases of coronavirus in the country, after processing 3,121 tests, bringing the number of infections in the country to 4,881.

According to the report, the reports come from Bogotá (186), Meta (26), Valle (23), Antioquia (21), Nariño (17), Cartagena (11), Cesar (7), Bolívar (5), Santa Marta (5), Barranquilla (5), Atlántico (4), Caldas (3), Risaralda (2), Amazonas (2), Córdoba (1), Cundinamarca (1) and Huila (1).

In addition, the number of people recovered reached 1,003.

The report accounts for 10 new deceased, bringing the deaths in the country to 225. Two men died in Cartagena, one 83 years old, with Epoc and high blood pressure, and one 42, with liver cirrhosis; another one died in Squid and presented a picture of coronary heart disease, Epoc, diabetes and chronic kidney disease; likewise, a 49-year-old man, with obesity, died in Santa Marta.

Two people died in Cali: a 95-year-old woman with Epoc, chronic atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, hypothyroidism, and dementia, and a 49-year-old man with obesity; Three women died in Bogotá: one 62-year-old with cervical cancer, one 45-year-old with obesity and smoking, and one 91-year-old with diabetes and Epoc; and finally, a man died in Lorica, with high blood pressure and Epoc.


The Ministry of Health confirmed that after processing 3,457 tests, 205 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in the country, bringing the number of positives to 4,561.

The new reports come from Bogotá (51), Meta (36), Valle (34), Antioquia (33), Santa Marta (19), Amazonas (6), Atlántico (5), Cartagena (4), Risaralda (4) , Cundinamarca (3), Magdalena (3), Barranquilla (2), Tolima (1), Santander (1), Bolívar (1), Cauca (1) and Chocó (1).

To date, 927 people have recovered and 215 have died.

The last report speaks of nine deceased: two people died in Cali, a 78-year-old man suffering from diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, glaucoma and coronary heart disease and a 65-year-old woman diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. In Cartagena, two people also died: a 74-year-old woman with hypothyroidism and a 94-year-old man with comorbidities such as hypertension, Alzheimer’s, and had a marked steps due to AV block.

The other deaths occurred in Valledupar where a 46-year-old man died with pulmonary tuberculosis, HIV, toxoplasmosis, and severe caloric protein malnutrition; in Barranquilla a 67-year-old woman with high blood pressure and diabetes; in Santa Marta a 40-year-old woman with obesity and hypothyroidism; in Bogotá a 58-year-old man suffering from epilepsy and in Leticia a 56-year-old man whose comorbidities were hypertension and chronic kidney failure.


This Wednesday, the Ministry of Health reported that after processing 3,051 tests, 207 new cases of contagion by coronavirus were detected in the country, bringing the total figure to 4,356.

The new reports come from Bogotá (84), Meta (40), Antioquia (27), Valle (27), Santa Marta (10), Risaralda (6), Tolima (4), Barranquilla (3), Cundinamarca (2) , Santander (2), Córdoba (1) and Norte de Santander (1).

Likewise, the number of people recovered from the covid-19 amounted to 870.

Regarding deaths, the portfolio reported 10: a 66-year-old man in Cali, with high blood pressure; a 33-year-old man in Cali, who suffered from obesity; a 60-year-old man in Bucaramanga, with heart disease and malnutrition; an 85-year-old man in Barranquilla, diagnosed with obstructive pulmonary disease, heart revascularization, and chronic kidney failure.

A baby of one month and seven days in Cundinamarca also died, with persistent arteriovenous ductus and intraventricular communication; a 75-year-old woman in Bogotá, such as obstructive pulmonary disease, smoking, and obesity; a 60-year-old woman in Bogotá, with dyslipidemia, glaucoma and mixed depression disorder; a 79-year-old woman in Bogotá with chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and hypothyroidism; a 60-year-old man in Cali with diabetes; and a 70-year-old man in Valledupar, who suffered from high blood pressure and obstructive pulmonary disease.

TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 4:35 P.M.

The National Institute of Health confirmed on Tuesday that Colombia exceeded the barrier of 4,000 infected by covid-19, with 4,149, that is, 172 new confirmed cases. In addition, 7 deaths were confirmed, for a total of 196 deaths and 804 people recovered.

The reported cases were presented in Bogotà (82), Valle (30), Santa Marta (15), Nariño (10), Risaralda (4), Barranquilla (4), Tolima (4), Antioquia (3), Meta (3 ), Cartagena (3), Cundinamarca (3), Magdalena (2), Amazonas (2), Huila (2), Chocó (1), Quindío (1), Bolívar (1) and Santander (1). In the last 24 hours 3,259 tests were processed.

The deceased were in Palmira: a 75-year-old woman in Palmira (with high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary heart disease); in Cali: a 66-year-old man (with diabetes and high blood pressure), a 65-year-old woman (with COPD, smoking and obesity), a 66-year-old woman (without comorbidities), a 74-year-old woman (with high blood pressure, asthma and epoc), and in Bogotá, an 88-year-old man (with diabetes and arterial hypertension) and a 66-year-old man (with asthma, epoc, arterial hypertension, and monoparesis).

MONDAY, APRIL 20, 4:38 P.M.

184 cases of contagion of coronavirus in Colombia were confirmed this Monday by the Ministry of Health. With that figure, the country reaches 3,977 diagnosed cases.

In addition, the portfolio announced that 93 people were recovered, with which there are already 804 those who have passed the covid-19 in the country.

The new infections were known after processing 2,423 tests and are located in Bogotá (85), Valle (49), Antioquia (11), Cartagena (9), Nariño (5), Meta (4), Santa Marta (3), Cundinamarca (3), Quindío (2), Magdalena (2), Bolívar (2), Caldas (2), Atlántico (2), Cesar (2), Barranquilla (1), Huila (1) and Boyacá (1).

The Ministry also reported 10 new deaths, bringing the death toll to 189. This is a 46-year-old woman in Riohacha, who suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity; a 70-year-old man in Bogotá, with diabetes and high blood pressure; a 73-year-old man in Cali, with obstructive pulmonary disease and high blood pressure; and a 38-year-old man in Bogotá, without any underlying disease.

A 51-year-old man in Bogotá also died, with diabetes, heart disease, nephrotic syndrome and obstructive pulmonary disease; a 65-year-old woman in Bogotá, with diabetes, high blood pressure and obstructive pulmonary disease; a 79-year-old woman in Bogotá, without any underlying disease; a 79-year-old woman in Bogotá, with high blood pressure and arthritis; a 66-year-old man in Santa Marta, without underlying diseases; and a 29-year-old man in Ipiales, with histoplasmosis.

SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 4:25 P.M.

The Ministry of Health confirmed 171 new cases of coronavirus in Colombia, with which the country reaches 3,792

The most recent infections are distributed as follows: Bogotá (120), Antioquia (18), Valle (10), Risaralda (6), Meta (6), Tolima (2), Barranquilla (2), Cundinamarca (2), Córdoba ( 2), Casanare (1), Caquetá (1) and Cartagena (1).

Meanwhile, 13 deaths were reported, one of them in Bello, Antioquia, which corresponds to an 88-year-old woman, and another in Medellín: a 67-year-old man.

The other deaths were reported in Bogotá (4), Cali (3), Huila (2), Cartagena (1) and Soacha (1).

The portfolio reported that 3,744 tests were carried out today.


With 3,429 tests carried out, the Ministry of Health confirmed this Saturday 182 new cases of covid-19 in the country. In addition, 13 deaths were reported, reaching a total of 166 people who died in Colombia from the new coronavirus.

The authority indicated that in the national territory the number of infections is already 3,621 and the positives reported this afternoon are distributed as follows:

Bogotá (86), Valle del Cauca (23), Huila (16), Risaralda (12), Cartagena (10), Antioquia (9), Cundinamarca (6), Barranquilla (4), Amazonas (3), Chocó (2 ), Quindío (2), Norte de Santander (2), Atlántico (2), Córdoba (1), Nariño (1), Caquetá (1), La Guajira (1) and Meta (1).

Within the list of deceased, it stands out that one of the people, a 57-year-old man in Cúcuta, had no comorbidity. The other twelve deaths were registered in the localities: Bogotá (2), Cali (2), Florencia, Santa Marta, Pereira, Dosquebradas, Cartagena, El Cerrito, Barranco de Loba and El Banco.

On the other hand, with 57 patients recovered, the number of people who overcame the disease rose to 691.
