Minor burned in a sugar mill in Santander died today at the HUS


“The Risk Management Directorate regrets the death of the child under 4 years old who was transferred yesterday to the HUS from the municipality of San Joaquín. All the actions that were within our reach were carried out.”

With this message on his Twitter account, the Director of Risk Management of Santander, César García confirmed the death of the child.

The minor, who fell into the boiler of a sugar mill in the municipality of San Joaquín, was transferred yesterday Thursday by helicopter from the Regional Hospital of San Gil to Bucaramanga.

Upon arriving in the capital of the department, the Santander University Hospital announced the minor’s health status through a press release.

“Today at 4:00 p.m., the ESE HUS medical team received a three-year-old minor referred from the San Gil Regional Hospital, who, due to an accident in a boiler of a sugar mill, suffered third degree burns over 95% of his body, “they noted.

The patient was in critical condition due to the severity of the burns and the prognosis is reserved.
