Ministry of Education rejects case of PAE children who consumed horse meat


The Ministry of Education and the management of the Food for Learning Unit vigorously rejected the facts denounced by the Attorney General’s Office, which is investigating the alleged supply of meat not suitable for human consumption by unscrupulous suppliers to the PAE of Bucaramanga and Santander, putting children and young people in the region at risk.

Likewise, ask the authorities to apply the most severe sanction due to the seriousness of the events that occurred.

This portfolio highlighted the work of the Prosecutor’s Office and National Police that allowed the prosecution of the meat supplier of the operator of the School Food Program of the aforementioned territorial entities.

The Ministry of National Education He asked all the Territorial Entities Certified in Education, with their Health Secretariats, in coordination with the technical teams of the PAE, to redouble health controls and the vigilance around the food that is destined to the students, in order to guarantee optimal conditions of quality and health for the benefit of the student population.

“For the success of this work, the operational organization that allow additional verifications to the existing measures and controls is essential. We bet on the integral development of girls, boys, adolescents and young people by providing quality, opportunity and comprehensive care based on the needs in the territory and based on a Public Policy for School Feeding for the country, ”said Ministry of Education through a statement.

Noted that There are 96 Certified Territorial Entities that, thanks to coordinated work, have been implementing the PAE modality at home, that benefits about 5,600,000 students, responding to the challenges posed by the pandemic and with a total commitment to accompany children in continuing their educational process in the different regions of the country.

“Precisely because we must shield the program from all angles, the president sanctioned Law 2042 of 2020, which increases the participation of parents in the oversight of the PAE; and we are currently working on normative projects in coordination with the control entities that allow action with greater speed and opportunity against corrupt operators or without the ability to comply with the required conditions; Another legislative project of parliamentary initiative is also being worked on to make the operation of the PAE more efficient and stable, “said the Minister of Education, María Victoria Angulo.
