Mike Tyson and the psychedelic drug that helped him get back into boxing


Before the fight, Mike Tyson stated that a synthetic psychedelic drug known as “toad poisonWhich psychiatrists use to treat depression and addiction, played a pivotal role in his return to active boxing.

“I took the medicine and it led me to get in shape. He really made my head explode and internally I heard him come back and start training me, ”said the American.

Tyson additionally He said that his return to boxing has put him to the test. He also indicated that he has lost 100 pounds (45 kilos) during his training regimen., which started a few months ago.

The fight between the former world champion and Jones will be sanctioned by the California State Athletic Association and will have different rules because it is an exhibition, what has diminished the enthusiasm around the combat.

“He’s been out for 15 years and he knows what it’s like to miss out on boxing. He realizes what he had and is now looking to get it back. Now he has the desire to want to go out and be who he once was and do what he once could do, ”Jones said.

The rounds will be two minutes instead of the regular three. In addition, the combat will be stopped if a serious wound or injury occurs. There will also be no judges in the ring and a winner will not be declared.

Mike Tyson training for combat against Roy Jones Jr.
