Mexico approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against covid-19 – Latin America – International


The Mexican health regulator, Cofepris, approved this Friday the use of the vaccine against covid-19 developed jointly by the US laboratory Pfizer and the German BioNTech, reported the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell.

(Read also: Save humanity with a vaccine and earn billions from it)

The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) of the Mexican government authorized this Friday the emergency use of the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, so the vaccination would begin this month.

Cofepris has granted the authorization for use in emergencies to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus for the prevention of covid-19, this is certainly cause for hope“announced Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion.

With this decision, Mexico becomes the fifth country in the world to endorse the drug after the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada and Saudi Arabia, and even before the United States, which is still awaiting the final decision of the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA).

Mexico has agreed to buy 34.4 million of the US vaccine from Pfizer, of which it would receive a first package to vaccinate 125,000 health workers in the third week of December. López-Gatell, in charge of managing the pandemic in
Mexico, recalled the promise of the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, that the country become one of the first to access the antidote against covid-19.

That we promote the opportunity for Mexico to have vaccines against covid at the same rate as what other countries are achieving, particularly the more developed countries, countries with greater resources, “he said.

In addition, Mexico has so far promised 77.4 million doses of the British AstraZeneca, 35 million of the Chinese CanSino and 34.4 million of the Covax platform of the World Health Organization (WHO), according to the Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE).

Pfizer vaccine

Pfizer’s vaccine uses a technique that until now has not been used in vaccines for humans. It is based on messenger RNA that produces defenses in the body.

Although Pfizer’s antidote had raised doubts in Mexico about the need for a deep-freezing system that allows them to be protected at 70 degrees Celsius below zero, the Government agreed on a mechanism for their distribution.

With this, the country is on par with developed nations, argued López-Gatell. “We are in the same rhythm, in that same opportunity and already today Cofepris gave the authorization“, he pointed.

The undersecretary made the announcement before the daily technical report of covid-19 in the National Palace, where he updated that Mexico accumulates almost 1,230,000 cases and more than 113,000 deaths. With that, Mexico is the twelfth country with the most accumulated cases and the fourth with the highest absolute number of deaths.

* With AFP and EFE

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