Men’s Cycling World Cup live and direct


The men’s elite event of the Cycling World Cup has a 258-kilometer route, consisting of nine laps of a 28.8-km circuit, in which there are two mountainous slopes with important ramps in which fast cyclists in the ascent could make a difference.

The race will last close to seven hours, as is usual in the orbital contest, and has a reserved forecast, although some cyclists arrive with a certain favoritism such as the French Julian Alaphilippe, the Belgian Wout Van Aert, the Danish Jakob Fuglsang and the Slovenians Primoz Roglic Tadej Pogacar (current Tour de France champion).

The Colombian team that is participating in the race is made up of: Rigoberto Urán, Sergio Higuita, Sergio Luis Henao, Miguel Ángel López, Esteban Chaves, Harold Tejada and Cristian Muñoz.

This is the minute by minute of the men’s elite event of the 2020 Cycling World Cup:

7:32 am

test – The Spanish leaves the World Cup. In total, 13 runners

The Spanish leaves the World Cup. In total, 13 runners have retired.

7:20 am

The lot cuts the difference with the escapees

The pace of the squad increases and is less than 4:20 to the break.

7:05 am

100 kilometers to finish: race situation

Koch and Traeen leading the race alone. The leak is disarming.

6:50 am

The platoon speeds up

Swiss riders put the beat in the lot and the gap to the breakaway is shortened to 5:30 minutes.

6:35 am

125 kilometers to the finish line: the escape is commanded by four runners

The difference between the escapees and the batch is 6 minutes.

6:00 am

Lutsenko is positive for Covid-19

The Astana rider does not start at the World Cup.

05:30 am

250 kilometers to finish: race situation

The first attacks were made, but the platoon controlled the escape.

5:00 in the morning

Tour profile

The test will have 258 kilometers.
