Memes of the resignation of Julio Comesaña to Junior


The resignation of Julio Comesaña from his position as coach of Junior de Barranquilla paralyzed the world of Colombian football for how surprising it was for most. For this reason, in social networks the usual memes with which people usually comment with humor about a situation that seems important to them did not wait.

Much of the posts were directed to commenting on the fact that The years will pass and the Uruguayan Colombian coach will return to the bench of the coastal team, taking into account that the one that has just finished was his ninth cycle at the institution.

Another of the protagonists of the memes was striker Michael Rangel, who came to Junior this semester because his loan in America ended and Comesaña did not like him because the coach believed that the scorer did not fit into his game model.

The truth is that everything seems to indicate that the coach, who is 72 years old, will retire completely from football. For months, he had already hinted that in December, when his contract ended, he would leave Junior.

These are some of the memes that have become viral about Comesaña’s resignation:

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