Medicinal cannabis can now be purchased with a medical formula – Other Cities – Colombia


In Manizales, where the first doctor’s office in the country is enabled to give cannabis-based treatments, they already have the first masterly formula tested on patients, in addition, in a month They will have another on the market with which they hope to help those who, mentally, have been most affected by the current crisis.

When the contingency caused by the coronavirus began in Colombia, the former Minister of Health, Iván González, signed Resolution 315 of 2020, which gives free rein to the sale of these formulas, which are preparations made under medical indication.

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“Before, people, as they did not have legal access, had to resort to artisanal preparations that were neither trained nor endorsed.
Others could only access them if they were part of investigations. Now, those who resort to this type of medicine can safely access a treatment that is prescribed and monitored by a doctor, “said Estefanía Sánchez, commercial director of Kannab, an office enabled to provide these treatments.

The first master formula developed by this company is manufactured by a Colombian laboratory certified by Invima and is to treat pain. However, given the contingency, they will have a formula on the market to treat the pathologies that have come to the fore in recent days: anxiety, stress and depression.

It should be noted that master formulas are not considered a medicine like conventional ones, since they are not mass produced, but are made for a specific patient and the only ones that can produce them are laboratories that have the certificate in Good Manufacturing Practices (BPE), authorized by the National Narcotics Fund and its raw material is licensed.

This is a very big door to a product that is not part of alternative medicine, but of the science of cannabis. You clearly can’t go to a regular drugstore and buy

“This is a very big door to a product that is not part of alternative medicine, but of the science of cannabis. Clearly you cannot go to a normal drugstore and buy. The formulas are delivered in pharmacies authorized to dispense control medications and with the express order of a doctor explaining the dose. There is a long process to go before they are considered drugs and have Invima approval, ”Sánchez said.

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The master samples, both those that are already on the market from various laboratories, and the one that will be available in a month, have been tested on 600 patients, which, according to Sánchez, allows them to be more precise in the formulation .

“That is the advantage we have over multinationals and what will allow the medicinal cannabis industry in Colombia to grow.”he pointed out.

Around the world, progress has been made in treating many marijuana-based illnesses, and the World Health Organization has given a boost by removing it from the list of dangerous drugs. However, there is still fear among citizens for consuming it. Faced with this, the medical director of Kannab, the doctor Nataly Bolaños, said that its responsible use is in the hands of the patients.

“Like everything, with abuse, it generates dependency, as is the case of someone who becomes dependent on morphine, for example. The doctors prepared to prescribe it, few in Colombia yet, are willing, but it is the responsibility of the patient, ”said Bolaños.

Since these drugs have special control, they were delivered only for one month. In the case of Caldas, the section of the Revolving Fund for Narcotic Drugs determined, to avoid crowds, that they can be delivered for three months, in addition to being sold at home.

It should be noted that this type of medication is not among Mandatory Health Plans, so its cost is assumed by the patient.

