Mayor’s Office Analyzes Tightening Restrictions Due to Rebound in COVID-19 Cases | THE UNIVERSAL


The director of the District Administrative Department of Health (Dadis) has assured this Monday that the local government plans to toughen restrictive measures for December if the rebound in COVID-19 infections continues in Cartagena.

“We are concerned about the amount of infections that have been increasing in recent weeks, which have been controlling the number of cases reported with peaks of no more than 100 daily cases, while to date there are peaks of up to 363 cases in a single day. Self-care measures are so important because if we are not welcomed and in the event that the number of daily notifications continues to increase, we will have to take more drastic measures, ”Bueno said.

He explained that the bad behavior of some citizens and the relaxation of biosecurity measures has triggered the speed of contagion, especially in those over 60 years of age. Read: The plan to mitigate the impact of the new wave of COVID in Cartagena

“Although the progressive increase comes from November, the report of notifications has tripled. That is why we call on citizens to maintain self-care measures and protect people over 60 years of age. This is not the time to be at family gatherings or parties as it has been shown that precisely in these spaces, out of 10 people who gather, at least 9 are infected with the disease, “he said.

The official announced that the measures being evaluated “will depend on the social behavior that occurs in recent days, because if the biosafety protocols are not responsibly and individually abided by, drastic measures such as isolation, restrictions by peak and ID must be returned. , the closure of some sectors that represent risks ”.

To date, a total of 1,467 positive cases have been registered, with an asymptomatic population of 33.8% and a percentage of accumulated positivity for the month of 24%.

The neighborhoods with the highest number of confirmed active cases are: Manga, San Fernando, Las Gaviotas, Los Alpes, Nuevo Bosque and Torices. However, for the health authority this position is “dynamic” since in other neighborhoods and communities there are also effects.

Decree 1473 of November 30, 2020 that establishes curfew and dry law measures in eleven communities classified as ‘special care zones’ is about to expire. The administration’s strategy to stop the spread of the virus in the city could be extended or culminated once the results of these 15 days are analyzed.

“On Tuesday (December 15) a new decree should come out taking into account the evolution of the pandemic in these 15 days and this new decree will set the guidelines for everything related to the next final days of December, everything depends on that analysis to be carried out, ”said the Secretary of the Interior, David Múnera.
