Mario Hernández talks about the economic recovery: he asks to open trade and have cities 24 hours


The businessman spoke about the future of the economy amid the coronavirus. This Monday, his factory resumed work with strict sanitary protocols.

Although 300 people should be working, only 187 arrived. “After two months of being away, today we return after having completed the validation process with the Mayor of Bogotá,” explains Álvaro Camaro, general manager.

Among the measures they adopted are portable sinks in different areas of the factory and the seven meters that separate the employees’ work points.

Mario Hernández welcomes this reactivation, but he has his reservations about the decisions that the rulers are making.

“We have to reactivate and make a great contribution to the economy. If we do not reactivate production and invoicing, the countries will fail. Our people are happy to return to the company, “he says.

However, he clarifies: “We don’t get anything out of producing if we are not going to be able to sell, the faster we are going to break per box. It should have been the opposite: reactivate trade and then industry. “

In addition, the Colombian businessman supported the idea of ​​having cities 24 hours.

“You have to extend the hours for people to visit. If you go to Moscow, the shop is open 24 hours, it is excellent for me AND different schedules so that there are not so many people in the transport ”, he points out.

Hernández asked that the deferment to pay the income tax, which remained until the end of 2020, apply to all companies.

“Great opportunities are coming so the world is changing, we have to sell ours and get ahead,” he said.
