[Mapa] This is the route of the # 21S march in Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL


Cartagena will also take part this Monday of the ’21S- National Day of Protest’, which is held in other cities of the country against police abuses, the murder of social leaders and different policies of the government of President Iván Duque. (Read here: Cartagena will join the national mobilization of 21S)

In the city, the demonstration, called by the National Unemployment Committee, is being supported by different social organizations, union groups and the teachers.

The mayor of Cartagena, William Dau Chamatt, and the Secretary of the Interior, David Múnera Cavadía, will also accompany the march, as they did on the day of September 12 and in which the president intervened on approximately five occasions to avoid altercations between protesters and some policemen.

The tour

The Central Unitary of Workers (CUT) Bolívar detailed that the march of # 21 will begin at 3 in the afternoon. Some of the protesters will go in vehicles and others walking.

A caravan will leave from the parking lot of the Coliseo de Combate, behind the Departmental College, will continue along Pedro Romero Avenue and will turn through the Bazurto market roundabout in the direction of La Esperanza, where a group of students will join.

The protesters will continue their journey through La María, San Francisco and Daniel Lamaitre, they will take the Paseo Bolívar against the road to the Castillo de San Felipe, there they will continue along the Pedro de Heredia to India Catalina in the Historic Center.

The mobilization will turn through Getsemaní and will continue along Calle 30, at the height of the Texaco pump at Pie de La Popa, it will cross to Avenida del Lago, to connect with Avenida El Bosque, continue along the Cargo Corridor passing through the Caballo toll road, will resume Transversal 54 and will end at El Amparo Pump.

The reasons for the march

The protest as such is a continuation of the previous demonstrations that have taken place against the government of Iván Duque and its policies, in addition the organizers affirm their intention to defend the right to peaceful mobilization, the non-criminalization of social protest, their rejection of the murders and abuses by members of the Police and the massacres registered in the country.

It is also a call to comply with the ‘List of Emergency Petitions’ presented by the National Unemployment Committee in June to mitigate the economic crisis of the workers and to which there has been no response since then.

Among the requests in this document are: basic emergency income for workers of a legal minimum wage for six months; intervention and financing of the health system and labor formalization of its personnel; payment of back wages; repeal of emergency presidential decrees that “deteriorate the economic and social life of workers” and support the educational system with the payment of tuition and subsidies to guarantee the continuity of the study.

The Police will guard

The Metropolitan Police of Cartagena announced that more than a thousand soldiers will be ready to guarantee the safety of both the people who attend the march, as well as the rest of Cartagena. (Read here: Ombudsman officials will be on the ground to mediate the marches)

The institution indicated that it will provide support to the participants, reminding them of the right to free movement, respect for the rights of others and not abuse their own. Likewise, the protection of the integrity of the public space.

To avoid and prevent vandalism actions that overshadow and attempt to delegitimize the day, the Public Force will have deployed its capacities in the preventive and operational field. People who try to affect public order will be prosecuted.
