Manizales, without pick and ID or curfew from Tuesday


THE COUNTRY | Manizales

Diana Mejía Grand, Secretary of Government, and Carlos Humberto Orozco, Secretary of Health of Manizales, announced this Saturday afternoon Decree 0565 of August 28, 2020 in which measures are adopted for the selective isolation stage in the town.

“Manizales returns to normality,” they expressed when presenting the decree that adopts the provisions of national decree 1168 of August 25, 2020, which ordered selective isolation and responsible individual distancing. The peak and cedula and the curfew will be lifted as of this Tuesday.

However, they specified that as Manizales is classified as a municipality with a high incidence of contagion by covid-19, they are going to ask the Ministry of the Interior to maintain the peak and 4-digit ID, the night curfew from 10:00 p.m. to 5 : 00 am, maintain education at home, maintain public transport occupancy at 50%, maintain inter-municipal traffic measures, restrict the use of courts, swimming pools and contact sports.

Orozco recalled that this request can take one or two weeks, they will do it on September 1, meanwhile Manizales is in those normal conditions of the national government. “The bill and ID is over until the Interior Ministry responds to the request.”

In the decree in Manizales as well as in the National one, it is urged that at the time of the health emergency, that is, until November 30, “public and private sector entities will ensure that their employees or contractors whose presence is not essential in the work headquarters develop the functions and obligations under the modalities of telework, work at home or other similar “. Otherwise, those who must perform face-to-face work do so with biosafety protocols. Wear the mask, hand washing and ventilated places and the distance of 2 meters.

In the third article of the Decree in the capital of Caldas, citizens are invited to have a responsible distancing, with compliance with biosafety protocols in the development of daily activities and in public space, with the use of masks and washing of hands. “Likewise, they must comply with the instructions that the different ministries and municipal entities adopt or issue to prevent the spread of covid-19.”

The capacity continues to be restricted to 30%, recalled the Secretary of Health.

The Public Force is urged to help respect the biosecurity protocols in the municipality and in the productive and commercial activities that are developed.

Remember measures of the National decree

The decision to selectively isolate the national government implies that there are no longer restricted sectors, with the exception of those that involve agglomerations. The gauges can be controlled by the municipal authorities.

Cinemas, gyms, religious temples, swimming pools, hotels, road trips, casinos, cinemas, colleges and universities, industry, commerce, public transport, restaurants, amusement parks, museums, libraries, among others, are allowed.

In no municipality can the following spaces or face-to-face activities be enabled:

* Events of a public or private nature that involve an agglomeration of people, in accordance with the provisions and protocols issued by the Ministry of Health.

* Bars, discos and dance venues.

* The consumption of intoxicating beverages in public spaces and commercial establishments. The sale of intoxicating beverages is not prohibited.

Mayors can request authorization from the Interior Ministry for pilot plans in restaurant establishments or bars for the consumption of intoxicating beverages within the premises, in addition to holding business fairs, all with the Minsalud protocols and their authorization.

* Road trips in the country are allowed, without restriction (complying with biosecurity protocols and without having covid-19 or symptoms). Like inter-municipal transport. In highly affected areas, it can be done gradually and with capacity control.

* Domestic flights are allowed. La Nubia airport will be open.
