Manizales will live a Halloween with a curfew


Elizabeth R. Rojas

THE COUNTRY | Manizales

Next weekend, when Halloween is celebrated, citizens must adapt to the curfew established by the Mayor of Manizales to avoid events and / or crowds that promote the spread of the coronavirus, this just when the municipality is going through the peak of the pandemic .

For minors it starts from Friday October 30 to Sunday November 1, between 12:00 m. to 5:00 am On Monday they should not be in the street from 12:00 m. at 12: 00 am Adults, meanwhile, will be restricted from Friday, October 30 to Monday, November 2, every day, from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am

The foregoing was confirmed by Decree 0663 (read it in full at, a document signed by the mayor, Carlos Mario Marín Correa. This initiative is accompanied by Carlos Humberto Orozco, Secretary of Public Health; and Diana Mejía Grand, Secretary of Government.


The mobility of private security, public forces, health care personnel, patients with health emergencies, public servants, accredited journalists, those who work at night and relief agencies will be allowed. The addresses will work until 11:00 pm and the face-to-face sale of food will be prohibited from 8:00 pm

Vehicles and personnel of public service companies, those assigned to cargo transport and public transport, funeral cars and ambulances will circulate freely.

The fuel supply will be approved for the above exceptions and the walk of pets, particularly dogs, may only be done by one person in the family for a maximum of 20 minutes.


Marín, at a press conference, said that it was important to adapt to the curfew, since the weekend that is approaching is one of the most critical in terms of influx of people. “Not just here, around the world. We hope they understand, because we need to protect the lives of all citizens.”

Orozco urged parents and / or caregivers to live an alternative day, with activities and costumes from home. He proposed to watch movies, prepare themed food, always respecting partial confinement and using virtuality.

“Right now we have the virus everywhere, we have to break the transmission chains. If at one point we generate a very marked increase in the number of cases, we are going to see the capacity for care and hospital response compromised” , Orozco pointed out.

The secretary suggested to the residential complexes, condominiums and buildings, refrain from carrying out activities inside their social rooms, as he said that they have high records of sick and deceased.

Mejía mentioned that those who do not comply with the transitory measure will be sanctioned through the National Code of Security and Citizen Coexistence. He noted that the National Police will be ready to respond to community calls that denounce parties and meetings, while it is in force. The stipulated fines could be up to $ 936 thousand.

In the departmental

THE COUNTRY learned that the Government of Caldas is asking the Ministries of the Interior and Health for a concept to see if the mayors of the 26 remaining municipalities can decree a curfew or it is the direct authority of the governor, Luis Carlos Velásquez. They expect the answer between tomorrow and Thursday. Manizales did the management last week.

“It would be very interesting to feel that support from the department, this so that it is not read after the municipal authorities are being capricious when taking some measures,” said Jhon Alejandro Londoño, mayor of Anserma.

Cristian Camilo Alzate, mayor of San José, also expects a single departmental decree. He stressed that if the first leaders are left alone, it will be difficult to control the situation.

“There is still no civic culture. There are families that have not yet determined what we are facing with covid-19 and, surely, they will take to the streets with the children,” Alzate explained.

From the medical

Carlos Piedrahíta, manager of the Santa Sofía Hospital, spoke about the awareness campaign that they mounted in the external gardens of the institution since last Thursday.

They simulated graves with people’s names, posing as victims of Wuhan pneumonia. As epitaphs they wrote the most common apologies of patients to protect themselves or not from the disease.

“The idea, with these, is to communicate and educate. It is a sarcastic way of doing it for the date, but we need you to understand it. This is not a game. People can celebrate, but at home. You have to avoid the risk of going out, morbidity and mortality. The best vaccine that there is today is the mask “, mentioned Piedrahíta.
