Man with coronavirus dies in flight


The passenger began to have respiratory problems an hour after takeoff and was immediately attended by paramedic Tony Aldapa, who was traveling on the same aircraft and who described what happened on his Twitter account.

“Knowing that I had the knowledge, training and experience to help, I couldn’t stand idly by and watch someone die ”, trill.

In addition, Aldapa reported that 2 other people helped him with first aid techniques for an hour, until the plane made an emergency landing in New Orleans, where they could not save the life of the patient in question.

Meanwhile, United advised in a statement that the victim did not reveal that she was a carrier of coronavirus, It is in their policies not to transport infected passengers.

Even in the text it is said that the fact is under investigation because the wife of the deceased man managed to tell Aldapa that he had symptoms of COVID-19, such as lack of taste and smell.

For his part, the paramedic added on Twitter that he carried out the resuscitation despite the risk this posed to his own health, as now has signs of coronavirus.

In pictures, the moment of the emergency in flight:
