Man killed his two children in Zipaquirá


Dismay and sadness seized several inhabitants of the municipality of
, after a man murdered his two children, ages 5 and 6. The subject left a series of letters at the crime scene in which he said that he took the lives of the children due to economic, family and work problems.

The Police, through a padlock plan, managed to capture the man when he tried to leave the scene.

Colonel César Castro, commander of the Cundinamarca Police, revealed that he arrived at the site due to “timely information from a neighbor and the daughter of the person who committed the homicide. We find an unpleasant scene, the death of two minors, a boy and a girl, caused by mechanical suffocation ”.

“We activated the padlock plan and managed to locate the person in charge on the road that leads from
Zipaquirá to Cajicá
”, He added.

According to the officer, the murderer said he committed the crime “for economic, family and work reasons. The lack of work and the separation from his wife led him to make this disastrous decision, “said Castro.

Likewise, Nicolás García, governor of Cundinamarca, invited the public “to report any suspicious event that leads us to prevent these crimes that occur in the department of Cundinamarca.”

Mental health problems?

A hypothesis that gained strength after this double homicide was registered is that the father of the minors has mental problems.

Camilo Gómez, a surgeon, spoke about this problem in Colombians, which presents figures that must be studied in depth.

“The mental health situation of Colombians before the pandemic already showed worrying figures: 5 out of 100 Colombians with depression disorders, 3 out of 100 with anxiety disorders. 4.7% of the Colombian population suffers from depression ”, explained the specialist.

The father will be presented before a judge for prosecution for the murder of his two children.
