Maduro’s regime massacres more than 40 prisoners in Venezuela’s prison.


Infobae revealed the dramatic scenes in which the massacre was revealed in a prison very close to Caracas, the capital of Venezuela; In these, you can see dozens of people lying on the ground after a riot on May 1, which left 75 other prisoners seriously injured, reason why the number of deads could increase in the next hours.

The wounded, according to the portal, were transferred to the Miguel Oraá hospital, which collapsed due to the number of patients and the lack of supplies to attend to all of them at the same time; the dead, meanwhile, were taken to a makeshift morgue near that same prison.

The media highlighted that Juan Guaidó, president in charge of Venezuela, affirmed that the murders occurred under the responsibility and direct orders of Nicolás Maduro, for which he highlighted that As long as that country continues to be usurped, “the life of all Venezuelans is at risk.”

Prisoner, jail.

“Today in Guanare we see a new massacre in the prisons of our country under the control and responsibility of the dictatorship,” added Guaidó from his Twitter account, denouncing Maduro to the world as the author of the events in the Los Penitentiary Center. Plains.

After learning what happened inside the prison, Carolina Girón, director of the Venezuelan Prison Observatory, requested an “exhaustive” investigation to clarify the facts, after “the dubious” version by the authorities of the neighboring country that the inmates tried to escape from the detention center which also, according to Infobae, has serious overcrowding problems.

“What happened in the Guanare penitentiary center, in the Portuguese state, is one more example of the regime’s disabilities. For months we have denounced the precarious conditions of the country’s detention centers, “said Delsa Solórzano, deputy of the National Assembly mentioned by the media.




News in development u2026

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The Police discovered the 7 rumbas in eastern Cali, indic u00f3 Caracol News, informative that also shared some photos of those clandestine parties.


Faced with disobedience, the authorities announced more drastic measures with those people who do not respect quarantine or isolation, the news agency said, which did not offer more details of what happened. .


On this behavior, the psychologist Mara Tamayo he assured in El Pa u00eds de Cali that u00a0 u201c there are always people who are against compliance and who boast of doing what they want u201d.



The expert added that this is a conception of challenging authority: u2018a m u00ed no one corrects me u2018a u2018a m u00ed nothing is too great for me u2019, u2018 I can do what I I fancied u2019 u201d.


She also described this behavior as "emotional ignorance", because those same people and their families are the "most disadvantaged."


In the following Caracol News report you can see photos of the clandestine parties that were discovered in Cali:


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follows it on social networks. "," seo ":" New York Times journalist who uncovered the false positives taken by Ej u00e9rcito "}," phrases ": {" main " : "Week revealed that, in his investigation into further illegal interceptions, that Nick Casey was targeted by the institution by exposing it."}, "Categories": {"main" : {"slug": "nacion", "name": "Naci u00f3n"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nacion / journalist-new-york-times-who-uncovered-false -positivos-chuzado-por-army-PP891058 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" paola.paez "," name ":" Paola Paez "}," owner ": {" id ":" "," name ":" "," image ":" "," profile ":" "," url ":" "," twitter ": {" title ":" "," url ":" "}," urlFacebook ":" "," email ":" "," linkPersonal ":" "," teamPulzo ":" "," short_text ":" "," large_text ":" "}}," published " : "1", "type": "article", "ce nsorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," ext ":" jpg "," created ": 1588421625," updated ": 1588421625," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" General (r) Nicacio Mart u00ednez and journalist Nick Casey "," credit ":" AFP and Instagram @caseysalbum "," description ":" Journalist Nick Casey of the New York Times rocked by the Army for 'false positives' " , "alt": "General (r) Nicacio Mart u00ednez and journalist Nick Casey", "file": "https: / / / images / 20200502115950 /myc.webp"}, "types": {"thumb": "https: / / / images / 20200502115950 /myc-150x150.webp", "mobile": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront .net / images / 20200502115950 /myc-280x185.webp "," medium ":" https: / / / 20200502115950 /myc-420x278.webp "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20200502115950 /myc-900x485.webp "," vertical ":" https: / / / images 20200502115950 /myc-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / im ages / 20200502115950 /myc-592x350.webp "," gif ":" "}}," videos ": {" main ": {" image ":" "," url ":" "," title ": "", "embeded": ""}}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0", "trinoTW": "", "liveBlog": "0", "shorthand": "", " audio ":" "," tags ":["Chuzadas","Eju00e9rcito Nacional","Falsos Positivos","The New York Times"], "sources":[{"title":"Las carpetas secretas","url":"","source":"Semana"}], "related":["","","",""], "body2": " n n

This kind of computer espionage occurred between February and the beginning of December 2019, when commanded the Army general Nicacio Mart u00ednez u201c, the magazine pointed out.


For this reason, it published the magazine, after the correspondent of the New York Times will publish an article on formats that the commanders distributed in the battalions to increase the number of casualties, which was interpreted as the return of the false false positives u2019, u201c military began to collect information on u00e9l u201d.


The details that appear in Casey's folder are very detailed. The magazine showed several infographics that include all of your personal information, from his birthplace to his work history, academic and the people who follow him on social networks.



n n Yolanda Ruiz y Daniel Coronell n n



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There is also another separate titled u201ccontacts of greater interaction u20f3n u201d, which is led by its editor in the American newspaper and other colleagues, and those of u201cmajor relaci u00f3n u201d like your personal and family friends; while in the section of the contacts of political parties appear u2018Pastor Alape u2019 and u2018Carlos Antonio Lozada u2019, members of the Farc party.


There is even another sheet on which u201cest u00e1 Casey in the center of a sheet and a series of lines pointing to their possible sources u201d, as of Semana, which quotes comments about the journalist that he found in those folders such as: u201c Has access and direct contacts with the Gaor (residual organized armed groups) u2026, has access to Farc's areas of influence, their link to enter is u2026 u201d.



n n Soldado inteligencia n n



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But one of the uniforms that contributed to the magazine's report is that the order to follow and collect all the information that could be given about it was given because the high command considered: u201cI was attacking the institution and, in particular, my general Mart u00ednez. You had to find out who he spoke to for that and, furthermore, get elements to try to discredit him and the environment. U20ed


u00bfC u00f3mo wanted did? The source told Semana:


u201cThat was done with some portals u201d. [u2026] Rozo was one of the people in charge of paying, among others, a supposed journalist well known for having legal proceedings for beating women, to publish false things, loved ones, taken from those profiles u201d.


The reaction from the prestigious newspaper was immediate and "Danielle Rhoades Ha, vice president of communications at The New York Times Company, showed before the week her concern about those acts they are seeking u201simitate the press and its sources, and restrict reports that the public has the right to know.



n n Soldado n n



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Precisely, the magazine's military source points out:


Americans will not like that part of their own money, from the taxpayers, as they say, has been diverted from the legitimate purposes for which they delivered it, the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, and ended used to dig up the lives of journalists from important media in their own country. That is going to be a question.


And the problem will be greater, since one of the managers of that work recognized that by connecting the networks close to Casey They ended up including other American journalists in their illegal pursuits.



n n Carlos Holmes Trujillo n n



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Among them is Juan Forero, u201c who for many years has covered Colombia and the Andean area for media such as The Washington Post, and currently works for The Wall Street Journal u201d, and u00a0Lynsey Addario, A well-known photojournalist whose works have appeared in Time and other media u201d, who found a folder called u2018special job u2019.


They are joined by independent photographer Stephen Ferry and John Otis, correspondent in Latin America for National Public Radio (NPR) and investigator of the Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ, for its acronym in English). u00e9s).

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During the last few weeks, French health authorities have reported a significant decrease in the number of diagnosed contagion cases and deaths associated with the virus.. In addition, the increase in the number of recovered patients.


However, Olivier V u00e9ran, Minister of Health, emphasized that lifting this measure on May 23, as originally planned, u201cseru u00eda premature u201d and indicated that it u00e1 will last until the next July 24.


The goal is to u201d strengthen the legal framework u201d and u201d extend it u201d to meet the challenges of unconfunding u201d, which should start in that country on Monday May 11, added the head of the healthcare portfolio.



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See u00e1n, on the other hand, also It is pointed out that with the extension of the state of emergency, the quarantine conditions imposed on people arriving in France will be mainly specified. and that they are infected with the outbreak today.


We are going to have to live with the virus for a while and learn to live with it. This is the challenge of the coming months, u201d said the Minister of the Interior of that country, Christophe Castaner.


According to the last official balance, 24,594 deaths from COVID-19 and more than 160,000 confirmed infected have been recorded in France so far, being one of the countries hit hardest by the pandemic.

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When the air is inhaled the mask filters the air that is breathed but when it is not exhaled, the valve only works in one direction, which generates the air that comes out, and can contain the virus , bypass the filter, Gizmodo reported.


Twitter Gizmodo
Twitter Gizmodo

One-way valves make sense if people are doing some activity with dust that might affect them or if they may be experiencing seasons when the air is not optimal for breathing. U00a0


In these cases, the job of the mask is to protect the wearers not to take care of those who receive that air without protection.



Respirators with exhalation valves should not be used in situations where a sterile field must be maintained (for example, during an invasive procedure in an operating room or procedures) because the exhalation valve u00f3n allows unfiltered exhaled air to escape to the sterile field, the United States Care Center explained.


A mask with a valve allows breathing without filtering, this modification acts as a small escape hatch for the virus-laden particles that may be exhaling, Gizmodo added.

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According to the Health services, a total of 124,054 diagnosed infections have been reported in Russia so far, including Prime Minister Mija u00edl Mishustin, and 1,222 deaths associated with the virus, keeping the official mortality rate controlled in comparison with other countries.


Serbian Sobianin, mayor of Moscow, emphasized this Saturday, based on the results of the tests, that around 2% of the inhabitants of the capital, that is to say about 250,000 people, they have the COVID-19.


Official figures, however, indicate that there are currently 62,658 confirmed cases of contagion with the coronavirus in that city, making it the main focus of the pandemic in Russia.



n n Mu00e9dicos n n



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This Friday, on the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out that they have not yet reached the maximum peak of the outbreak's propagation. and extended the measure of confinement in that country until May 11, RT News indicated.


u201cWe must be prepared for any scenario. To think that the threat has diminished and to pass by, will be careless. The deadly danger of the virus persists and can affect us all, The president said, in statements collected by the news network.


Finally, the Ministry of Health assured that 1,793 new patients managed to overcome respiratory disease and are out of danger, which increases the number of recovered in that country to 15,013.

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La nueva propuesta consiste en escuchar la canciu00f3n u2018Lunau2019, de Denis Fernando, quien donaru00e1 la totalidad de los ingresos que se generen por reproducciones de la canciu00f3n en plataformas digitales.


El sencillo del artista es una colaboraciu00f3n con Leonardo La Croix y estu00e1 inspirado en la realidad que vive el mundo por la pandemia de coronavirus. Debido a la cuarentena y el aislamiento que viven millones de colombianos, la canciu00f3n es un llamado a estar cerca de los que mu00e1s queremos.


El artista, que aprovecha la cuarentena en su casa para preparar su nuevo disco, resaltu00f3 que con el video de su nueva canciu00f3n u2018Lunau2019 quiere dar inicio a una campau00f1a de solidaridad con las familias afectadas por el coronavirus.



El vu00eddeo de u2018Lunau2019 fue realizado en casa y cuenta con la participaciu00f3n especial de los actores Marilyn Patiu00f1o, Alfonso Ortiz, Vivian Ossa, Isabella Sierra, Manuel Gu00f3mez, Juan Diego Su00e1nchez, Camilo Trujillo, Juliu00e1n Beltru00e1n, Susana Rojas, Gisella Aboumrad, la cantante Kelly Cardenas, el diseu00f1ador Jhon Estrada y la humorista Maru00eda Auxilio Vu00e9lez.


Mira el video de la canciu00f3n aquu00ed y ayuda a las personas mu00e1s afectadas por la pandemia del COVID-19:u00a0


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u201cEl hambre es la peor sensaciu00f3n que alguien puede sentiru201d, agregu00f3 el exdelantero vallecaucano en su cuenta de Twitter.u00a0u00a0


Allu00ed publicu00f3 un video de un minuto donde se le ve coordinando las entregas en un barrio de escasos recursos. u201cYo no queru00eda subir esto, pero quiero que vean, que su00ed hay necesidad y hay que dar mu00e1su201d, agregu00f3 el tulueu00f1o.u00a0u00a0



Asprilla, quien militu00f3 en el Newcastle de Inglaterra y el Parma de Italia, indicu00f3 que la enorme donaciu00f3n se hizo gracias a los ingresos que ha recibido su emprendimiento, una marca de condones que lleva su apodo.u00a0u00a0


El pasado 11 de abril el u2018Tinou2019 fue cru00edtico contra las rebajas salariales en el fu00fatbol a causa de la pandemia de coronavirus. Lo hizo argumentando que u201clos futbolistas no tienen por quu00e9 pagar las malas administraciones de los directivosu201d y matizu00f3 declarando que,u00a0si u00e9l jugara en este momento, no se rebajaru00eda el sueldo.u00a0





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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP891126","titles":{"main":"[Fuertes imu00e1genes] Revelan fotos de la masacre del ru00e9gimen de Maduro a 46 presos en cu00e1rcel","facebook":"Advertencia: estas imu00e1genes puede herir su sensibilidad.","seo":"Ru00e9gimen de Maduro masacra a mu00e1s de 40 presos en cu00e1rcel de Venezuela. "},"phrases":{"main":"Los asesinatos se habru00edan dado por la exigencia de los reclusos para que ingresaran alimentos al centro penitenciario en medio de la crisis por el COVID-19. "},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"mundo","name":"Mundo"}},"urls":{"main":"/mundo/regimen-maduro-masacra-40-presos-carcel-venezuela-PP891126"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"felipe.garcia","name":"Felipe Garcia"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 02, 2020 01:58 pm","updated":1588431210,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro, Venezuela.","credit":"AFP/ Twitter: @ExtraVzla.","description":"Revelan fotos de la masacre del ru00e9gimen de Maduro a 46 presos en cu00e1rcel.","alt":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro, Venezuela.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"[Fuertes imu00e1genes] Revelan fotos de la masacre del ru00e9gimen de Maduro a 46 presos en cu00e1rcel.","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["carceles","Nicolu00e1s Maduro","Venezuela"],"sources":[{"title":"Las dramu00e1ticas fotos de la masacre del ru00e9gimen de Maduro en la cu00e1rcel de Guanare donde asesinaron a 46 presos","url":"","source":"Infobae.","fuente":"Infobae."}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

Infobae revelu00f3 las dramu00e1ticas escenas en las que quedu00f3 en evidencia la masacre en una cu00e1rcel muy cerca de Caracas, capital de Venezuela; en estas, se puede ver a decenas de personas tiradas en el suelo luego de un motu00edn el pasado primero de mayo, que deju00f3 otros 75 presos gravemente heridos, por lo que el nu00famero de muertos podru00eda aumentar en las pru00f3ximas horas.




Los heridos, segu00fan el portal, fueron trasladados al hospital Miguel Orau00e1, que colapsu00f3 por la cantidad de pacientes y la falta de insumos para atenderlos a todos a la vez; los muertos, por su parte, fueron llevados hacia una morgue improvisada cerca de esa misma cu00e1rcel.




El medio destacu00f3 que Juan Guaidu00f3, presidente encargado de Venezuela, afirmu00f3 que los asesinatos ocurrieron bajo responsabilidad y u00f3rdenes directas de Nicolu00e1s Maduro, por lo que destacu00f3 que mientras se sigan usurpando funciones ese pau00eds, u201cla vida de todos los venezolanos corre riesgou201d.



n n Preso, cu00e1rcel.n n



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Mueren al menos 17 personas durante fuertes disturbios en cu00e1rcel venezolana



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u201cHoy en Guanare vemos una nueva masacre en las cu00e1rceles de nuestro pau00eds bajo el control y la responsabilidad de la dictadurau201d, agregu00f3 Guaidu00f3 desde su cuenta de Twitter, denunciando ante el mundo a Maduro como autor de los hechos en el Centro Penitenciario de Los Llanos.




Tras conocer lo que ocurriu00f3 dentro de la cu00e1rcel, Carolina Giru00f3n, directora del Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones,u00a0pidiu00f3 una investigaciu00f3n u201cexhaustivau201d para esclarecer los hechos, luego de u201cla dudosau201d versiu00f3n de las autoridades del pau00eds vecino de que los reclusos trataron de fugarse del centro de reclusiu00f3n que ademu00e1s, de acuerdo con Infobae, tiene graves problemas de hacinamiento.


u201cLo ocurrido en el centro penitenciario de Guanare, estado Portuguesa, es una muestra mu00e1s de las incapacidades del ru00e9gimen. Desde hace meses hemos denunciado las precarias condiciones de los centros de reclusiu00f3n del pau00edsu201d, mencionu00f3 Delsa Solu00f3rzano, diputada de la Asamblea Nacional citada por el medio.

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