Maduro recovers embassy in Bolivia


In contrast, the recently invested president of the Andean country, Luis Arce (from the rope of Evo Morales), recognizes Nicolás Maduro as Venezuelan president.

“With great pride we report that Chávez and Bolívar returned to the diplomatic mission of Venezuela in Bolivia. They will not return! ”Said the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry on Twitter, referring to the opponents led by Juan Guaidó.

In a video published together with the same message, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, can be seen picking up a photograph of Guaidó and placing in its place a painting of the hero of the Latin American emancipation Simón Bolívar, considered “father of the country” in Venezuela and Bolivia .

This is the video of how Maduro officials remove the photo of Guaidó and place it face down, on the floor:

In another message, photographs of Arreaza are observed hanging a painting of the late President Hugo Chávez (1999-2013) and waving a wiphala, a flag that represents some Andean peoples.

On Sunday, Maduro had said that his government would recover the Embassy that Cumare Hernández occupied in Bolivia, whom he accused of usurping the diplomatic headquarters.

Cumare Hernández occupied the diplomatic headquarters of Venezuela in La Paz since the end of last October, after presenting credentials to the former Bolivian president, Jeanine Áñez, whose administration did not recognize Maduro’s legitimacy as president.

The diplomat had been appointed to head this mission by the National Assembly (AN, Parliament) during a virtual session on September 22 and after the nomination by Guaidó, head of the Legislative Assembly and to whom fifty governments – including presided over by Áñez – recognized as president of Venezuela.

Maduro also said Sunday that he requested the new government of Bolivian President Luis Arce, the placet for his nominee for ambassador, Alexander Yánez, who is already in La Paz.

Yánez even accompanied the Venezuelan foreign minister to the inauguration of Arce, according to the information offered by Maduro.

The interim government that Guaidó says he presides has not reacted to the news, and the whereabouts or new functions that Cumare Hernández may have in the administration of the Venezuelan opposition leader are unknown.

Meanwhile, Nicolás Maduro has tried to draw the attention of the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, so that after he takes office they sit down to discuss the situation in Venezuela.
