Maduro government reports 8 dead in “attempted maritime invasion”


(CNN Spanish) – The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Néstor Reverol, assured this Sunday on the state channel VTV that “a group of terrorist mercenaries from Colombia tried to make an invasion by sea.”

Attorney General Tarek William Saab published some photos of the procedure in the afternoon and announced the start of an investigation.

CNN has tried unsuccessfully to get the reaction from the Colombian government so far.

According to Reverol, the group attempted to enter speedboats along the coast of La Guaira in order to carry out “a new attempted coup.” The senior official of the questioned government of Nicolás Maduro indicated that assault rifles were seized in the operation, which he said continues.

For his part, the president of the questioned National Constituent Assembly Diosdado Cabello, reported from the Federal Legislative Palace that 8 people died and 2 were detained in the midst of joint police and military action.

Cabello denounced that behind these people are the same people who were part of the plan of Clíver Alcalá Cordones, a retired General, who publicly acknowledged that he was part of a conspiracy that aimed to remove Maduro from power.

Alcalá, who was in Colombia, turned himself in to US authorities on March 27 after being accused, along with Maduro and 13 of his closest collaborators, of narcoterrorism.

Alcalá pleads not guilty and said he is willing to face justice on the charges that are his responsibility. Maduro for his part rejected the accusations.

Meanwhile, Cabello also reported that identity documents, high-caliber weapons, satellite phones and uniforms were found at the site.

In the afternoon, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López announced that Maduro had ordered the implementation of a new phase of the Bolivarian Shield operation, “making strong searches to detect any cell.”

Through a statement, the team of Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly and recognized as interim president by more than 50 countries, reacted assuring that “the regime seeks to divert attention from an alleged event registered in Macuto-La Guaira riddled with inconsistencies, doubts and contradictions ”.

In the afternoon of Sunday, the Colombian Foreign Ministry rejected through a statement “the statements made by the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro that have been made trying to blame our country for alleged destabilization events,” adding that what was said by the questioned government of Maduro “are constituted in attempts to divert attention from the real problems experienced by the people of Venezuela.”

“This is an unfounded accusation, which attempts to commit the Government of Colombia in a speculative plot,” says the statement.
