Madrid enters strict restriction due to onslaught of COVID-19


The measures against the coronavirus, announced on Friday, will be applied for two weeks. The inhabitants of the affected areas —850,000 people who represent 13% of the region’s population— They can only leave their neighborhood for reasons of basic necessity, like going to work, to the doctor or taking the children to school.

Instead, they will be able to move freely within their neighborhood. In the same way, Entry into these areas will be prohibitedexcept for those reasons of prime necessity.

The Madrid authorities recommend to the inhabitants “stay at home as long as possible“, Although they assure that it is not a strict confinement at home, like the one last spring.

In these neighborhoods or municipalities, located in the poorest south of the capital, parks will be closed, while bars and restaurants must limit their capacity to 50%.

In the whole region, the maximum authorized number of people in a meeting will go from ten to six. The inhabitants will have to present a written document to justify their displacement and there will be “random” controls by the security forces, as announced on Sunday by the regional authorities. Once the first 24 hours have elapsed, sanctions may be imposed.


Several Demonstrations against these measures were called this Sunday in the affected neighborhoods, largely by far-left organizations.

“No to class confinement”, “They destroy our neighborhoods and now they confine us”, it could be read on some banners.

The conservative president of the Madrid region, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, highly criticized for the management of the crisis, meets this Monday with the president of the socialist government Pedro Sánchez, which reflects the concern of the central executive, although the health management public corresponds in principle to the regions.

It is true that we are seeing some data that concerns us, because they are doubling the number of infections to the national average and they are tripling the number of hospitalized, “said Sánchez in a televised interview on Saturday night. However, “I do not contemplate any confinement in the country,” he said.

“It is true that we cannot close any door because obviously the virus is an unknown agent (…) but I think we now have the means (…) to contain and bend the curve”Of contagions, he added.

Spain, subjected last spring to one of the strictest confinements in the world, in July experienced an outbreak of the epidemic at galloping speed, to become the country with the highest number of cases with respect to its population in the EU.

Madrid, which represents a third of the new cases and new deaths in the country, is the region that generates the most concern about the ability of its inhabitants to spread the virus throughout Spain, as it is a metropolis of 6.6 million inhabitants, which also constitutes a huge transport platform.

Experts fear in the region, for the coming weeks, a sharp increase in mortality, currently much lower than in spring, in a health system that is on the verge of saturation.

Spain, one of the European countries hardest hit by the covid-19 pandemic, this week exceeded 30,000 deaths and 600,000 confirmed cases, according to official figures.
