Luis ‘El mulato’ Hernández was injured in the middle of an alleged robbery, in the south of Cali


September 02, 2020 – 05:14 pm

Newsroom of El País

The artist Luis Eduardo Hernández, widely known as ‘El mulato’, was injured this Wednesday in the middle of an alleged robbery registered outside the dance school he leads and which is located in El Barrio Champagnat, south of Cali.

The incident took place around 2:00 pm, on Calle 7 and Carrera 31. There he was approached by four unknown men who beat him and forced him to hand over a chain, a watch and his cell phone.

According to him, it could be an attack against him as the attackers tried to shoot him, before taking his belongings.

“I ran out and slipped, they approached me there. One of the men was pulling the trigger, but it got stuck and thank God, I’m still alive, “he said after the attack on the newscast 90 minutes.

He also indicated that in recent days there have been incidents that could be related.

The mulatto Hernández was injured in the middle of robbery

“During the quarantine they have been stealing four times. Furthermore, we know that there are people who are jealous because this Friday we will resume our show with an audience ”, he explained.

Units of the Metropolitan Police are investigating what happened and received the corresponding complaint.

‘El mulato’ directed the presentation made by dancers from the Latin Swing school at halftime of the most recent version of the Super Bowl with Jennifer López. Shakira was also part of the show, one of the most televised in the world.

Also read: With this plan they seek to deal with insecurity in Cali, in September
