Luigi Echeverri and Iván Cepeda: Duque’s adviser must withdraw by letter against the senator – Political Parties – Politics


Senator Iván Cepeda reported today what he described as a “defeat of the defamation campaign undertaken by the Government and from Uribismo“Against him. This, after a judge ordered Luis Guillermo ‘Luigi’ Echeverri – Duque’s presidential campaign manager – to retract within 48 hours of the statements made against Cepeda in a letter addressed to the Newspaper The country from Spain.

(In context: The tough letter from Duque’s adviser to the Spanish newspaper ‘El País’)

In that document, which Echeverri sent in early September, he expressed his rejection of an interview that the Spanish newspaper placed with Senator Iván Cepeda, regarding his tensions with former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

“Mr. Director, I cannot find the explanation to allow Iván Cepeda, master of deception, maker of false testimony, modern inquisitor, leader of the parliamentary guerrilla, amplify as true the fallacy of which he himself is the intellectual and material author and executioner of the human and democratic integrity of one of the most important political leaders in the world and contemporary democracy ”, said the letter sent to Javier Moreno, director From the newspaper The country.

(Also read: Uribe will continue to be detained while the Court evaluates which law applies in his case)

For these and other qualifications, the municipal civil court 55 of Bogotá decided “to grant protection of fundamental rights to good name and honor” to Iván Cepeda.

In addition, the court ruled that Luigi Echeverri must issue a statement in which he acknowledges “that he made an error by spreading a message whose content was not verified.” This, according to the defining document, “since the statements contained in the letter were harmful to the rights to good name, honor and freedom of expression of Mr. Iván Cepeda Castro”.

(In other news: Harsh criticism from the opposition for the defense’s response to the ruling)

(Read on: The fight between the defense minister and Jorge Enrique Robledo heated up)

After learning of the decision, the Polo senator wrote on his Twitter account: “Defeat of the defamation campaign undertaken by the Government and from Uribe against me to achieve impunity for ex-senator Uribe: ruling of protection action orders that the Mr. Luigi Echeverry has 48 hours to retract the slanders he made against me “.

