Li-Meng Yan Accuses China Of Creating And Releasing Coronavirus


In an interview for the program ‘Horizonte’ (Telecinco), the scientist once again accused the state authorities of the Asian giant and claimed that the coronavirus was created intentionally to affect humans.

“SARS-CoV-2 is a very novel and unrestricted biological weapon, capable of killing on a large scale. It was made in a laboratory to directly attack human beings, ”said Yan.

The virologist, also, again stated on television that the Chinese government knew from the beginning the danger that COVID-19 represented for society. In addition, he assured that he will continue to disclose information about the origin of the outbreak.

“I’m going to spread the word as much as possible, and I’m going to show the facts for people to verify before they kill me. Everyone has to know the truth and they will not scare me, “he stressed.

Yan, who claims to be one of the first scientists to have investigated the virus in the Asian country, published a report last September on the alleged artificial genesis of SARS-CoV-2. According to the study, COVID-19 “comes from a laboratory” and is the product of an intentional mixing of two bat coronaviruses (ZC45 and ZXC21) as a base.

Who is Li-Meng Yan?

Last july, Li-Meng Yan became world famous after publicly accusing the Chinese government of hiding important information regarding the origin of SARS-CoV-2 (technical name of COVID-19).

Although there is not much information about his life, the virologist said that at the University of Hong Kong he conducted an investigation, under the supervision of a supposed WHO official, which showed that the coronavirus spread rapidly between people.

The World Health Organization, however, has repeatedly denied all the accusations of the scientist and She affirmed that they do not have data to prove her as a laboratory worker for the agency.
