Letter from Dalma Maradona after the death of Diego, her father


The daughter of ‘Pelusa’ spoke on your Instagram account by means of a letter that accompanied with an image of her when she was a girl next to the famous ’10’.

“I always I was very afraid of my death, but not today because I know that this will be the moment when I will see you again ”, wrote in one of the opening fragments.

Then, in several paragraphs, Dalma Maradona expressed her affection for her father, although in a couple of them He assumed the causes of this as his own, warning that he will advocate for him, warning for those who want to attack him after his death.

“I love you dad! I am going to love and defend you all my life, ”he emphasized twice, so that there is no doubt.

Finally, he made it clear that he will recover from the loss and that he will move forward with his daughter and his family.

Diego Maradona passed away due to a cardiorespiratory arrest days after having been operated on by a hematoma on the head.

Letter from Dalma Maradona to her father

I was always very afraid of my death, but not today because I know that this is going to be the moment when I am going to see you again and hug you again. I miss you already, pa! I will endure here, without that part of my heart that you took with you yesterday.

As you always asked me, I will take care of the ‘jabru’ and your favorite pompom because you always [estabas] giving me impossible responsibilities since I can remember.

I’m going to love and defend you all my life because I thank you for the shared life. I am destroyed but I am going to move forward.

Wait for me there. We are going to see each other. Meanwhile, I’m practicing ‘And what is he like?’ so that when I see you, we will sing it again together shouting. Well, you are actually singing beautiful and I screaming.

I love you dad! I am going to love and defend you all my life. And if your granddaughter wants to call you by video call, as they did, I am going to die inside, but rest assured that I am going to tell her exactly who you were, who you are and who you are going to be forever. Anyway, he already loves you because you had that, it didn’t take much to love you.

I put my pieces together and I can’t imagine how my life will be without you, I can’t. But here I am with the best husband in the world and a daughter who is going to force me to get ahead.

Life is a little while, so see you soon. I am bringing you daisies to decorate your gamer socks and please look at me again with that love that you see in the photo. I love you forever!
