Learn about the history of the powerful gang that was hiding in the south of Bogotá



The patrol car Ángel Eduardo Amórtegui, 33, was murdered on July 26 in the middle of an act of intolerance on the Autopista Sur, in the Guadalupe sector. The death caused commotion among the inhabitants of the area.

The alleged perpetrator, according to El Tiempo, was an alleged meat seller in the area with whom the uniformed man had a simple traffic collision. The murder was recorded and uploaded to social networks, so the Bogotá Police immediately ordered an operation to clarify the case.

General Óscar Gómez Heredia, commander of the Bogotá Police, ordered an intervention in the area where the patrolman was killed. Thanks to this operation and the testimony of some witnesses, it was learned that extortions to merchants in the area were increasing. There were complaints of property occupation, micro-trafficking, selective homicides and environmental damage to the Tunjuelo river.

After this, the Police Intelligence Section -Sipol- infiltrated agents in the area who gained the trust of the butchers, but they soon realized that they were the ones who stole, sold drugs and even filled in part of the Tunjuelo river to set up a parking lot there and sell lots to people who, out of desperation to have a home, fell into the trap of the gang.

Investigations continued and the agents realized that no one in Guadalupe could do anything without the authorization of this criminal groupEven the authorities who had to go to do administrative work.

“We began to determine that the only problem with this structure was not only the usurpation of properties and the sale of lots, but also that they were involved in large drug trafficking; we were able to determine that it was very powerful in drug trafficking. We managed to seize 2,500 kilos of marijuana in a month, ”one of the agents who intercepted several phone calls told the newspaper.

It was discovered that they were responsible for supplying a good part of the hallucinogens from six locations in the city. A month they moved between two and three tons of drugs through different areas of the Colombian capital, obtaining profits of at least $ 2,800 million per month.

The leader of the gang, alias Coco, originally from Arauca, arrived in Soacha seven years ago, where he dedicated himself to setting up minor criminal businesses. His contact, alias Michael, who lived in Guadalupe, was in charge of driving him into the criminal world.

Thus, about three years ago, about eight young people joined who began to extort money from butchers, in addition to instrumentalizing Venezuelan migrants and minors to grow their criminal enterprise, even joining a residual organized armed group from the Valley del Cauca, which led them to become the leaders in the sale of marijuana and coca in Bosa, Kennedy and Ciudad Bolívar.

Investigators discovered that the murder of patrolman Amórtegui was perpetrated by alias Michael, the second in command of the band called ‘Los Maimai’.

All this information compiled by police intelligence led to an operation being carried out on Thursday, October 1, which allowed the capture of 28 members of this gang.

In this regard, Hugo Acero, Secretary of Security assured that “this is a territory with three jurisdictions, almost four: you have Ciudad Bolívar, Kennedy, Bosa and Tunjuelito if you extend it a little more; of criminal complexityWith this I am saying that there are formal businesses there, there is an economy around meat, what is next to it are those who extort money from merchants ”.

Once the band was dismantled, Acero promised that a series of social interventions would come to prevent others from taking over the illegal economy that circulated there.
