Las toxicas, a gang of women who stole thanks to dating apps


The victims of the gang known as Las Toxicas were contacted through the common dating apps. The women won the trust of the men, until they managed to meet them in specific places in Medellín.

“They went to night restaurants and bars, being there by means of deception they told them that they were going to invite a cousin, once these three people shared and talked there they moved to the hotel,” said Colonel Ómar Rodríguez, deputy commander of the Antioquia Police.

The criminal organization was led by alias ‘el Gordo’, who was in charge of manipulating the profile they had to maintain to go unnoticed.

“You are 26 years old, not 25, and you are studying, you are finishing your studies and you are bored and you want something serious,” says the criminal in a phone call.

A video captured the moment when alias ‘Sara’ and alias ‘la Prima’ They enter the hotel with one of their victims, who was drugged with scopolamine to steal his credit cards.

After the theft, they left the hotel as ‘Pedro por su casa’ and gave the cards to alias ‘el Gordo’ to get the money.

“While the victim was in a health center, they were immediately at the cashiers taking the money,” said Colonel Rodríguez.

The three captured must answer for the crimes of conspiracy to commit a crime and qualified and aggravated theft.
