La Minga responds to Duque and Semana


The non-arrival of the president to the meeting with the indigenous spokesmen and the alleged infiltrations in the protests generated this harsh statement

La Minga responds to Duque and Semana

With this harsh statement, the Indigenous Minga responded to President Iván Duque, for the alleged breaches of the agreements, and the magazine Semana, which has pointed out the presence of ELN infiltrators and dissidents in the protest. The main annoyance of the leaders of the mobilization that came out this weekend from Cauca was Duque’s non-presence at the meeting that had summoned him in Cali, to talk about the requests for safety, housing, health and implementation of the peace agreement . In his place, a high government commission with three ministers and two presidential advisers traveled.

The non-arrival of President Duque to Valle del Cauca, by which the minga would reach Bogotá, is linked to the annoyances generated by the publication of Semana magazine in which he assures himself of some audios about the alleged infiltrations of armed groups at protest. An argument that, according to the signatory organizations, is always used to reduce the weight of the requests of indigenous peoples, Afro and the peasantry.
