Judge was murdered by ex-husband, in front of her daughters, in Brazil


The woman, magistrate of a court of Rio de Janeiro, was repeatedly stabbed by her ex-husband in front of the couple’s three daughters on Christmas Eve, official sources confirmed to EFE.

Viviane Vieira do Amaral Arronenzi, 45, was a victim of femicide at the hands of his ex-partner Paulo José Arronenzi, who stabbed the woman multiple times in front of his three little daughters in the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca, in the west of Rio, informed the Police of that city in a release.

The man he was immediately arrested at the scene and is in prison. According to the authorities, the suspect had already been denounced on other occasions for sexist violence and the judge had a police escort granted by the Justice, but later dispensed the service.

It’s a statement, the Court of Justice of the state of Rio de Janeiro he “deeply regretted the death of the judge.”

For their part, the Association of Magistrates of Rio de Janeiro (AMAERJ) and the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB) they expressed in a joint note their “extreme regret” for the “cowardly murder” and they assured that the crime will not go unpunished.

“This crime will not go unpunished. Femicide is vehemently repudiated by Brazilian society. Brazil needs to move forward. What happened this Thursday in Barra da Tijuca is absolutely unacceptable ”, stated the president of AMAERJ, Felipe Gonçalves, in the release.

Alone in the first six months of 2020, Brazil registered 648 cases of femicide, despite the restrictions implemented between March and June to stop the advance of the coronavirus in the country.

Likewise, in the deaths that were classified as intentional homicides but that were not considered as femicides, murdered women totaled 1,861 between January and June, compared to the 1,834 victims who lost their lives in the same period last year.

In social networks, dozens of users viralized the photo of the man who murdered his ex-wife in front of his three young daughters, in Brazil:
