Juan Guaidó: challenges and future of Venezuela – Venezuela – International


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela by more than 50 countries in the world, He spoke exclusively with EL TIEMPO about the fracture in the Venezuelan opposition, the legislative elections scheduled for December, the crisis in the Latin American country and the Nicolás Maduro regime.

(Read also: The insurmountable fracture of the Venezuelan opposition)

Guaidó affirmed that the UN report that linked the Nicolás regime with possible “crimes against humanity” measures what Venezuelans have had to face.

“We have faced criminals, a regime that has not respected any kind of way (…) It has been the systematic violation of human rights (…) This comes to validate the complaints that we made and that President (Iván) Duque made in the International Criminal Court ”.

In this regard, he also mentioned that: “Today his connection (that of the regime) with crimes against humanity deepens the hole he has made. That is what we have faced for years. The story not only talks about the victims and the violations of DD. HH., But also of a Venezuelan society that has resisted ”.

Regarding the lack of execution of the route to cease usurpation, Guaidó affirmed that at this moment that is not a goal, but a necessity for the people of Venezuela.

(You might be interested in: Venezuelan opposition will not compete in legislative elections)

During the interview, the opposition leader affirmed that pressure has been placed on Maduro. “It is not a bad government, it is not a dictatorship, it is a totalitarian regime (…) We have to strengthen unity in Venezuela,” he acknowledged and recalled that there is a need in the fight against the pandemic.

Regarding the opposition’s fracture, he said that “37 political organizations, 100 percent that are part of parliament (…) are aligned not only in rejecting fraud, something that Maria (Corina Machado) also does, but also in building a pact unitary”.

Guaidó assured that he understands Capriles’ political weight, but said that he does not represent the majority of the opposition in Venezuela at this time.

(You may be interested in: The pardon, Maduro’s cunning move ahead of the elections)

The opposition leader also called for clean conditions for the elections.

“Venezuela is united against the dictator. We reject fraud for December. With the UN report it is very clear what we have faced. And not only in Venezuela, but in the region, “he said.

Finally, when asked if it was a key error of the opposition not to participate in the 2015 elections, he stated that: “2005 has nothing to do with 2020. It is more similar to 2018, that legitimacy was not recognized. If I wanted to participate, I could not because the dictatorship kidnapped the party in which I participate, “said Guaidó, recalling that the regime took away the legality of the parties.

“It is not an election in a firing squad. There must be conditions. The right to choose and be elected ”, he concluded.

*With Efe
