Juan Fernando Quintero explains his departure from River Plate and age of retirement from football | Colombians Abroad


River Plate fans do not forget that December 9, 2018, when a left-footed shot at the angle of Juan Fernando Quintero allowed the millionaire team to get ahead on the scoreboard and later beat Boca Juniors 3-1 in the remembered Cup final Libertadores disputed in Madrid.

Immortalized in the band crossed by the goal at the Santiago Bernabéu, Quintero made the decision in 2020 to close his cycle in Argentina, to add a new experience in his career: the Shenzhen of China.

Precisely, after several weeks of controversy and criticism, Juanfer broke the silence and in a dialogue with ESPN decided to talk about the reason that motivated him to leave the Núñez group; club to which he is very fond and from which he always expects the best.

“Life always demands of us, but I lost many things that people do not know and I am not interested in saying them … River’s world is strong, it takes you to the extreme, but that’s life. Today we see people we love and they leave, we have to live every day like this. River brings an emotional, physical and mental load that is strong, and that sometimes saturates you. That happened to me and that’s it … There are times when you have to think about yourself and I don’t want to say that River was the problem: there were many things and life saturates you many times and you have to weigh your peace of mind “.

And he added: “River takes you to the limit, I lost many family, friends and loved ones. I’ve been in this for 20 years now, I’ve sacrificed a lot of time and it hasn’t been in vain: I’ve had a very nice career. But I think that in the end we are human beings, and the character and the football remain on the field. When you come home and cry it is because we are human beings. Many people do not know what happens behind a game and what we suffer, and some of it affects us more than others. And as a result of that you make decisions. ”

“I didn’t go the way I wanted, but it happened like that. MI am left with the beautiful moments, with the coaching staff and with my teammates. Until today I speak with Gallardo, we gave each other a lot, he gave me advice, he helped me. I have a great relationship with Marcelo. I am a very transparent person, I am like that, I have been very respectful to everyone and received a lot of criticism, “said the 27-year-old midfielder.

About his career, Juanfer dared to talk about his retirement from professional football, making it clear that he is already old enough to hang up and dedicate himself full time to his family,

For several years I have been planning what my post football is going to be, my idea is to retire at 33 years old. I started to prepare in my investments so that after football I can dedicate time to my family. Because when one is sad at the end, who are … It is to give back to them those moments that can be gold for them and for you. I play soccer because as a child I have a passion. I was born with nothing and I am going to die with nothing. Silver is not important, it is what is in your heart, “he concluded.
