Jordan Goudreau, the former US military. USA that an armed incursion in Venezuela is attributed – Unidad Investigativa


Néstor Reverol, the interior minister of the Venezuelan regime, assures that a group of “mercenary terrorists” who arrived from Colombia in two speedboats, with the intention of overthrowing the government, were neutralized in the port of La Guaira, near Caracas, this weekend.

The attack is linked with a former US military resident in Miami to plan a military raid.

This is Jordan Goudreau, who, together with a retired captain of the Venezuelan army, identified as Javier Nieto, published a video published on networks where they assured that it was the “Gideon peration”.

According to Goudreau, there would be other armed cells that would go to the “heart of Caracas” and other parts of the country.

“It is obvious that electoral, democratic and political measures of all kinds have been exhausted”, Captain Nieto said in the video, picked up by media such as The New York Times.

Jordan Goudreau is a veteran of the Iraq war who founded a company in Miami through which he offers security advice: Silvercorp USA Inc, located in Melboune.

His firm, created in 2018, has contracts in several countries, including Puerto Rico.

“We provide governments and corporations with realistic and timely solutions to irregular problems,” he points out on his website.

According to sources in Miami, the man was also in Afghanistan and was a Special Forces doctor. He has several decorations on his resume for his military actions.

In the video, which circulates since dawn, he makes a call “Venezuelans and officials of the Armed Forces, both superior and subordinate, to join their cause, and in which they confirm their responsibility in the acts of incursion of a paramilitary gang by the coast of Macuto, La Guaira, which they call “Operation Gideon”.

They assure that there are more than 60 men in the operation.

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