Johan Giesecke says quarantine does not stop expansion of COVID-19


“This disease spreads like a fire and what you do does not change things too much. In the end, everyone will get infected. Until there is an efficient vaccine, “ Giesecke said in an interview with Infobae.

The epidemiologist, who is recognized worldwide for his great work as scientific director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control between 2005 and 2014, emphasized that most heads of state have taken these kinds of measures to show “strength and action”, since they live in a constant political race between them.

Giesecke, likewise, pointed out on the news portal that there is not enough scientific evidence to show that the mandatory isolations, imposed by the majority of rulers, are efficient in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

“No one knows if closing schools is going to have any effect. The same with closing borders, or with not allowing people to be outdoors. Many countries have told the population to stay home. It’s weird, because it’s nice to be outside and you should be. The infection spreads very little outdoors. In fact, the risk is much lower“Added the specialist.

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Although 3,220 deaths associated with the outbreak and more than 25,900 cases of contagion have been recorded so far in Sweden, Giesecke defends the model and the measures adopted by the government of his country.

If contrasted with Denmark, Norway and Finland, it is true, our mortality rate is higher. But if we talk about the United Kingdom or other countries that have more deaths and have severe confinement. Then, they should have fewer deaths, if those measures worked as they say, “said the epidemiologist at Infobae.

Compared to Belgium, Portugal and Switzerland, which have a similar population and which have enacted more restrictive measures, the Scandinavian country has less infected and a similar average of deaths.


In Sweden, even the death rate is 22 deaths per 100,000 people, identical to that of Ireland, and its health service has not collapsed at any time because the intensive care units have not been saturatedThe New York Times indicated.

The American form, in addition, reported that currently in the Nordic country, borders, educational centers and various commercial sectors are still open, like restaurants and bars.

Johan Giesecke finally reiterated on the Argentine news portal that the best thing to do at the moment is to ease the measures and that the population itself creates immunity to the virus.
