Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, ‘Characters of the Year’ for Time magazine – USA and Canada – International


US President-elect Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris were named Time Magazine’s “Personalities of the Year” Thursday.

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The 78-year-old Democrat, who is to be inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, and Harris, first woman elected as vice president, were selected from among three other finalists: President Donald Trump, the movement against racial inequalities triggered by the death of African-American George Floyd in May, and Dr. Anthony Fauci and the health personnel most exposed to COVID-19.

Time magazine emphasized that it is not the first time that a president of the United States has been chosen as Character of the Year, but it is the first time that the vice president has been included, in this case.

“For changing American history, for showing that the forces of empathy are greater than the fury of division, for sharing a vision of healing in a world in mourning, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the 2020 Characters of the Year” argued Time .

On the cover of the magazine they appear both with the subtitle: “Changing the history of the United States”. “Together, they offer both renovation and restoration” and “America has bought your proposal”says Time. Biden beat Trump in the November 3 elections, although the Republican president has refused to acknowledge defeat and has denounced a fraud of which there is no evidence.

The Time magazine award, awarded annually since 1927, honors the person or persons who most impacted the news scene, for better or for worse, during the year. Earlier, Time had named basketball player LeBron James “Athlete of the Year” for his achievements on and off the court. K-Pop sensation BTS was named “Artist of the Year”. Teenager and climate change activist Greta Thunberg was “Personality of the Year” in 2019, while Trump was in 2016.

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