Javier Ordóñez Case: This was the funeral of Javier Ordóñez, a lawyer who died at the hands of the police | Bogota


Nine days after a case of police abuse in the town of Engativá, Bogotá, lawyer Javier Ordóñez lost his life after being beaten and attacked with taser weapons by at least two police officers, his farewell ceremony was held in the north of the capital.

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It was a private event to which only They “let in” 15 relatives and five friends who were very close to the man. As established by Caracol Radio, his father, his wife, his ex-partner, five uncles, all his cousins ​​and his friends attended. Javier’s mother, who arrived in the country a couple of days ago, could not go to the ceremony because, due to her serious health condition, she remains in the hospital. For their part, her two sons were not in a position to see her either.

The burial began in the morning, at the Santa Teresa de Ávila Church, in the town of Barrios Unidos. From there they moved around 12 noon to the Jardines de la Paz cemetery, north of the city, in what was a “very painful” goodbye for those close to Ordóñez.

The family will formally pronounce on the case and the latest decisions that have been known, between Saturday or Sunday. However, they already insist on their call that Javier’s case does not go unpunished.
