Jasper Philipsen wins the fifteenth stage, Primoz Roglic continues to lead


Return to Spain

EFE · Road Competition · 11/05/2020

The Belgian cyclist Jasper Philipsen (UAE Emirates) has won the fifteenth stage of the 75th edition of the Vuelta a Espaa, a 230.8 kilometer day held this Thursday between the town of Mos in Pontevedra and the town of Puebla de Sanabria in Zamora, while Primoz Roglic (Jumbo-Visma) clung to the lead.

Philipsen came to La Vuelta as a rookie and ready to debut in a big one. In Ejea de los Caballeros he was second, in the marathon day he was crowned with a great sprint in which he anticipated the Germans Pascal Ackermann (Bora-Hansgrohe) and Jannik Steimle (Deceuninck-Quick Step), after a pilgrimage from Galicia of 6 hours, 22 minutes and 36 seconds marked by rain and wind.

It lasts longer than hard, as Enric Mas recognized at the finish line, but one of those that wear out. Legs hurt, and even Madrid, as noted by Josean Fernndez Matxin, director of the UAE warning that the Slovenian Primoz Roglic is not going to walk until Sunday.

There are three stages left and the leader is Roglic, who kept the red without problems with the same differences, that is, he has the Ecuadorian Richard Carapaz at 39 seconds, the British Hugh at 47, the Irish Dan Martin at 1 minute and 42 seconds and the Spanish Enric Mas at 3 minutes and 23 seconds.



The marathon stage did not offer any peaceful ride. About 4,000 meters of unevenness, 5 passes and more than 6 hours on the bike in unpleasant weather. He started at a high pace and a battle for escape, which did not take place until the ascent to Alto de San Amaro (3 Cat.), The first of the five difficulties of the day.

An interesting expedition of 13 men, including a world champion, Rui Costa; the Spaniards Alex Aranburu, Luis Len Sanchez, Jos Joaqun Rojas and Jonathan Lastra, the double Belgian stage winner Tim Wellens and the leader of the mountain, the French Guillaume Martin (Cofidis).

The French rider always signs up to collect points and win the blue polka dot jersey. The heights of San Amaro, Carcedo, Furriolo and Fumaces crowned the head, all of third, for what mathematically ensured the title of the mountain.


At 50 kilometers from the finish, a strong wind took the nerves both on the run and in the peloton, separated by 1.30 minutes. Ackermnn’s Bora Hansgrohe, which had taken over, received help from the Trek and NTT, leading the group where the favorites sounded the alarm over the fans.

It began to roll to neutralize on the approach to the last port, Alto de Padornelo (3rd), which was waiting with rain and 6 degrees of temperature for the 7 kilometers of ascent. The Italian Cattaneo rebelled attacking through wind and water to seek his first great victory. He went up alone and crowned with a juicy income of 1.10 over the pursuers and 1.45 over the platoon.


Jasper Philipsen, excited

An anguished chase was opened with the hope of Cattaneo and the predatory ambition of the squad that was looking for the sprint in Puebla de Sanabria. The wind played havoc and was punishing the Italian meter by meter in his solitude, until the inevitable took place just over 3 kilometers from the last line, where the times were taken due to a stain that forced the organization to modify the highway.

Erase and new account, another short and explosive stage on stage. The whole group rushed forward. Favorites out. The applicants were left in front to discuss the stage for speed, in a scenario with a slight rise.

The Bora tried to accommodate Ackermann from afar, but his plan derailed him even further from the Danish Michael Morkov to place the German Steimle. With the party unleashed, Philipsen appeared like a bullet, he took the lead and everything was celebrating the victory of his life, to the delirium of UAE Emirates.

The Return to Spain continue this Friday with the dispute of its sixteenth stage, 162 kilometers and broken profile, starting in Salamanca and finishing in Ciudad Rodrigo.

Classifications [Clasificaciones completas]

Stage classification:
1. Jasper Philipsen (BEL / United Arab Emirates) – 6:22:36
2. Pascal Ackermann (GER / Bora-Hansgrohe) – mt
Jannik Steimle (GER / Deceuninck-Quick Step) – mt
4. Alfred Wright (GBR / Bahrain-McLaren) – mt
5. Dion Smith (NZL / Mitchelton-Scott) – mt
Reinardt Janse Van Rensburg (RSA / NTT) – mt
7. Magnus Cort Nielsen (DEN / Education First) – mt
8. Dorian Godon (FRA / AG2R-La Mondiale) – mt
9. Stan Dewulf (BEL / Lotto-Soudal) – mt
10. Michael Morkov (DEN / Deceuninck-Quick Step) – mt

General classification:
1. Primoz Roglic (SLO / Jumbo-Visma) – 60:19:41
2. Richard Carapaz (ECU / Ineos) at 0:39
3. Hugh Carthy (GBR / Education First) at 0:47
4. Daniel Martin (IRL / Israel Start-Up Nation) at 1:42
6. Wouter Poels (NED / Bahrain-McLaren) at 6:15
7. Felix Grobschartner (AUT / Bora-Hansgrohe) at 7:14 am
9. Aleksandr Vlasov (RUS / Astana) at 8:48 am
10. DAVID DE LA CRUZ (ESP / UAE Emirates) at 9:23 am

Next stage, 16: Salamanca – Ciudad Rodrigo / 162 Km.

Return to Spain

Carlos de Torres

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