James Rodriguez was hired by Everton fc because ‘He is a world superstar’ according to intermediary | Colombians Abroad


The comments about the arrival of James Rodríguez at Everton were, in recent weeks, reserved and with more doubts than certainty due to the little prominence he had in Real Madrid in the last year.

But now that he has been officially presented and that he has given the first brushstrokes of talent in the first training session, opinions are beginning to lean towards optimism and the motivations for his signing are becoming clearer.

This Tuesday the Lierpool Echo quotes Kia Joorabchian, who participated in the transfer of James to Goodison Park: “James is a world superstar. He has 47 million followers on Instagram and has played for the best teams in the world in Bayern and Real Madrid “, he assures.

“The ‘Ancellotti factor’ played an important role in the deal. Everton now has a very great and important coach who has won everything and knows how to win, “adds the intermediary, who has participated in transfers of players like Coutinho or Malcom in the past.

“Everton’s will is to push and move on … I have to say that Farhad [Moshiri, propietario del Everton] He has given so much, he has supported all the coaches he has had and he has bought everything they have asked of him. He’s taking the club to that level. Bringing experience with Allan and James, whom Ancelotti knows very well and knows how to get the best out of him, is the key, “adds the shadow agent.

His optimism stems from Ancellotti’s will to return Everton to a leading role: “I think if he can keep James on the field and as fit as possible he will make him an incredible signing for Everton. You’re going to see the best of him. in the Premier League, he had a year of ups and downs last year with his injury, but now he is completely fit … He is a player that the Premier clubs have wanted to bring in since the World Cup (2014), “he says.

“This is the moment when he is ready to explode and this is his opportunity to attack the Premier League,” concludes the intermediary of Iranian origin.
