James Rodríguez today: prediction about his future at Everton | Will he do well in the Premier League? | Soccer curiosities


The world of football lived the sounded case of James Rodríguez and his stormy second cycle with Real Madrid, his problems with Zinedine Zidane, and now his signing to Everton from England, who hopes to free him professionally so that he can fly high again.

The arrival to the Premier League is a complete enigma for the Colombian footballer and for all his fans, who have high expectations of seeing him shine again in his sports career. The work, his mentality, the support of Carlo Ancelotti, the confidence of his new team and the personal moment he lives, could be the great weapons to see his rebirth in European football.

However, FUTBOLRED wanted to go further and inquire about the future of James by going to an ancient belief: astrology. And what better than the man who has been behind the ’10’ of the Colombian National Team and has a clear astral chart and the events that surround him.

Thus, we contacted Ernesto Rodas, a renowned Colombian astrologer who previously predicted the divorce of James Rodríguez with Daniela Ospina, as well as the birth of their second child, Samuel.

The experienced astrologer again reviewed the Colombian midfielder’s birth chart and found new revelations about what his time at Everton will be. The prediction on how you will fare in the Premier League and much more.

“James is a cancer sign, and he’s been going through some big changes in the last year. At this moment, with the change to the Everton club and the return to the side of coach Carlo Ancelotti, they can favor the player. You are in a cycle that, to achieve a goal, requires a lot of effort, dedication, discipline and dedication. So his coach will demand a lot from him and it will not be an easy task for James, ”said Rodas, who is also a writer and speaker.

“James is a cancer sign, and he’s been going through some big changes in the last year. At this moment, with the change to the Everton club and the return to the side of coach Carlo Ancelotti, they can favor the player. You are in a cycle that, to achieve a goal, requires a lot of effort, dedication, discipline and dedication. So his coach will demand a lot from him and it will not be an easy task for James, ”said Rodas, who is also a writer and speaker.

The astrologer continued: “Perseverance will be very important for me to shine. He needs to be very dedicated, he must take care of his health, as I see a slight risk of injury ”. In addition, Rodas assured that “the beginning of the season is not going to be easy. Criticism may come, but I see it very focused on its objectives. Then things will gradually improve ”.

The importance of Shannon de Lima and the possibility of a son

The emotional and family part will be very important for James and his new challenge. For this reason, Ernesto Rodas, who has been in astrology for more than 30 years, reviewed the birth chart of Shannon de Lima, his current girlfriend.

“She is Capricorn. And James has the black moon in Capricorn, which is desire and passion; but it also has Hera, which is solidity. In other words, she solidifies him in his life, it is an interesting relationship and it favors him emotionally and in other aspects ”, revealed Rodas.

Finally, the Colombian astrologer commented that after Salomé and Samuel, James could be a father for the third time. “Saturn is on top of Saturn all of 2021 and 2022, so there is a possibility that James will be a father again, something that would bring another motivation to his career.”
