James Rodríguez Real Madrid today: criticism of a Mexican journalist | Everton FC news James | Premier Transfer Market | Colombians Abroad


James Rodríguez is coming to Everton and should be announced soon, although it is unclear when that day will be.

But they talk about the Colombian from all sides. In Mexico, during a program called Fox Gol Mundial, the panelists analyzed the future of James, as he is one of the players that has yet to leave Real Madrid.

Ricardo Murguia, a participant in that program, was very tough on James in his analysis and pointed out flatly, and very forcefully, that “James is not made for an important team.”

“Right now, at this point in his career, we can generate a real advancement in his career as a footballer. He had an extraordinary World Cup that catapulted him to the top of world football. After that nothing, ”said the Mexican.

However, from his perspective, he believes Rodríguez Rubio will do well at Everton. “It is good for James to be in an institution that does not have the demands of Real Madrid, the demands of Bayern Munich. James is going to start and he is going to do very well. It does not mean that he will be the great James of the World Cup. No. It was already clear that this was from a tournament, they were moments of inspiration ”.

Even from a distance from Mexico, Murguia pointed out that “the boy between the mentality and other types of extra-court situations always stopped him. At this point we are not going to see something different, extraordinary, nor are we going to rediscover James. He is only going to feel more comfortable in an institution that is not going to demand of him as Real Madrid did, nor is he going to have the pressure he had at Bayern ”.

This was the criticism that this Mexican journalist made to James Rodríguez and joins the many analyzes that are made about the arrival of the Colombian to the Premier League and Everton, a club that knows glory and seeks to be among the clubs again who fight and compete for international positions in the standings.
