James Rodríguez: Pékerman’s assistant revealed performance details


“With James nothing changed, but the truth changed a lot. In Real Madrid he was one more, in Everton he arrived as a figure and will be the protagonist. José Pékerman, for example, loved James as a player and that’s why he gave him his place, “he said in the first half.

“Zidane was not there to mime and there are players who require them. Zidane was not convinced by James. After James’s great World Cup in 2014, he was sold to Real Madrid, went to Bayern Munich and could not be consolidated. Now, I hope Everton finds his place in the world, “added Roffe.

Of interest: Telegraph, Daily Mail and BBC: English press reactions to James’ debut

He also did a reality bath on the Colombian: “James has a lot to give and this grabs him at a great moment of maturity. Real Madrid and Bayern Munich are teams of world teams and being a protagonist there is very difficult.”

On the comparison of James in the Colombian National Team and in Madrid, he emphasized: “Pékerman gave a lot of importance to James, which perhaps Zidane did not do. Players like James are cuddly and coaches like who recognize them in private and in public. That is why Pékerman gave them their leading role. “

And he closed pulling the good atmosphere in the tricolor: “Players like James and Aguilar (Abel) gave much more in the national team than in the clubsThey were happy in the Colombian National Team ”.
