James Rodríguez latest news: Steve Watson put the Colombian at the level of Wayne Rooney | Colombians Abroad


With 12 points out of 12 possible, Everton started the new Premier League season in the best possible way. Carlo Ancelotti’s team, showing a great game, is located at the top of the table, and little by little it is becoming one of the teams called to be protagonists in the championship.

Much of the success of the Toffees at the start of the season is due to the good incorporations made by the directives, the arrival of players like James Rodríguez, Allan and Abdoulaye Doucouré, have been decisive for Everton to be in the first place of the general.

Precisely, one of the players who has received the most praise is the Colombian Rodríguez, the performance of the creative in the Premier and in the Cup, has left more than one critic dazzled, since his adaptation to football in England generated a lot of uncertainty.

Now, in the pre-match against Liverpool that is scheduled for next October 17, Steve Watson, former player of the ‘Toffees’ between 2000 and 2005, spoke with Liverpool Echo about the present of Ancelotti’s team, whom he highlighted for their great work:

“Last season with Ancelotti was similar to how I felt myself in York, as I had to look at what I had achieved and what I needed, I had a very clear plan in my head in the way I wanted things to turn out this way. season. He managed to get the players he wanted and I think that’s when a coach is judged. That is all you want, to be judged by your own decisions, “he said.

Also, the now DT of York City, referred to the arrival of James Rodríguez to Everton, because for him, the Colombian is at the level of Wayne Rooney, one of the current legends that the institution has: “Once Wayne Rooney It was, we didn’t have any world superstars, people like James Rodríguez, in the team, “he concluded.
