James Rodríguez and his mental change to shine at Everton according to psychologist Marcelo Roffe – International Football – Sports


James Rodríguez went from hell to paradise. In a few games with Everton, he has already won the praise and captures the attention of the fans and the press. He has been in charge of guiding a team that this season wants to fight, wants to challenge the mighty Liverpool, his city rival. James is experiencing a new and happy stage in his career.

At first there were doubts about his arrival in the Premier League. It was said that it was going to be difficult for him to adapt to that football, which came to a team inferior to Madrid and Bayern Munich. However, in a short time the Colombian has cleared up all the unknowns. Because he is playing and he is doing it in the best way. And it has not yet reached its limit.

(It may interest you: Everton, to the rhythm of James: resounding 4-1 victory

And the change in James can be seen in his attitude, in his face, in the smile he has recovered and that contrasts with his obvious discomfort at Real Madrid.

The change has been total, as the sports psychologist points out Marcelo roffe, who was part of José Pékerman’s coaching staff in the Colombian National Team and who knows James well.

“It seems that he did not change much, but he changed everything. Because he goes from a great, a monster, from a team such as Real Madrid and a League such as the Spanish League to the Premier League. In my view, it is the best league in the world today, where the best coaches are: Guardiola, Mourinho, Ancelotti, Klopp, Bielsa and Arteta, the Spanish. On the other hand, the best players in the world, so that for him is a new motivation, “said Roffe in statements to ‘Marca’.

This Wednesday, James gave a new sample of his talent in the League Cup match against him West Ham. James started, played the 90 minutes, made an assist, participated in the best team plays of the team.

For performances like this, the English press dedicates time and space to the Colombian. Analysts praise him. Even those who criticized his signing now acknowledge that Ancelotti was right when he insisted on having him.

(Also read: Keep dancing! James’s joy is not only on the court)

“Psychological work is very important, more and more because when the tactical, the technical, the physical, the mental are equated, it moves the needle one way or the other. That is something more than invisible training such as nutrition, rest, physical training against shift, technical training, etc. Here what must be said is that the decisive thing, in this case, is the coach who is doing a transformation of the city, of the team and that it chose James as its main flag and that it is making the city that only breathed Liverpool, and that is the best team in the world, now have a ‘Jamesmania’. They make songs for him, someone else tattoos it, etc … “, Roffe said.

(Also read: ‘In the National Team you have to compete and the best will play’: Santiago Arias)

James is now getting ready to return to the Colombian National Team, which missed him at his best, in full competition, to start the tie.

