James prepares to lead a world-class midfield at Everton


After the confirmation of the signings of Allan and James Rodríguez, Everton presented Adoulaye Doucouré on Tuesday and Carlo Ancelotti will be able to form a luxury trio in the midfield of his team.

Few teams in the Premier League can boast of such a complete and hierarchical midline as the Toffees will have. If the experience of the Italian coach is added to that, the Liverpool club fans can already be excited.

James will be the game point guard, like every time he played under Carletto’s coaching. Without great obligations on the mark and in the setback and with the sole objective of leading the team’s offensive attempts.

In Europe, the cucuteño learned to have more deployment and is far from being the stereotypical South American ten who runs little and does not sacrifice. However, his best virtues are not defensive, far from it. When he performs best is when the ball makes contact with his eyes towards the rival area. And that will be his place in Everton.

For that, you need companions who are busy. And Allan and Doucouré are the indicated ones, although both also have talent to associate with the former Real Madrid in the creation. Ancelotti knows the Brazilian perfectly, who will be the central midfielder. Fast, strong, precise and smart. Allan has everything to become one of the best in the Premier in his position.

For his part, Doucouré is an old Everton wish. In a 4-4-2, he will play alongside Allan, with James looser on the left. In a 4-3-3, it will be one of the interiors. It is a true guarantee, for regularity and presence.

The fourth midfielder is anyone’s guess. It could be Alex Iwobi to give him a tour of the right, Tom Davies to battle more or André Gómes as a better driving partner for James. In any case, there are variants for various scenarios.

On offense, James will have Richarlison, one of the best attackers in the English championship, and Dominic Calver-Lewin, who improved a lot with Ancelotti.
