Jair Bolsonaro makes homophobic comment in Brazil about covid-19 – Latin America – International


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reiterated his disregard for covid-19 and made a homophobic comment that caused rejection from some sectors.

(Read on: Bolsonaro attacks Biden for his threat in relation to the Amazon.)

“Everything is now a pandemic, we have to end that. I’m sorry for the dead, I’m sorry. We are all going to die one day, here we are all going to die. There is no use running away from that, fleeing from reality. They have to stop being a country of queers. We have to confront openly, fight, “said the far-right in the Planalto Palace, headquarters of the federal government. The statements were given during an official speech on tourism.

“You went to the ground in that pandemic, which was oversized,” he told those present. The covid-19 pandemic has left more than 160,000 dead and 5.6 million infected people in Brazil, where analysts and researchers have insisted that there is a high number of unreported cases.

Everything is now a pandemic, we must end that. I’m sorry for the dead, I’m sorry. We are all going to die one day, here we are all going to die

(Also: Did Bolsonaro pick up a short man thinking he was a boy?)

This November 10, Bolsonaro had already drawn attention by commemorating as a personal victory the interruption in Brazil of the study phase of the CoronaVac vaccine, developed by the Chinese laboratory Sinovac.

“Death, disability, anomaly … this is the vaccine that (the governor of Sao Paulo Joao) Doria wanted to force the people of São Paulo to take. The president said that the vaccine could never be mandatory. Another one that Jair Bolsonaro wins“declared the president on Facebook.

There he attached a link about the suspension of the vaccine in response to an Internet user who asked if the government would buy it and produce it in case the trials – currently in phase 3 – show that it is effective and safe.

(You may be interested: Bolsonaro says that Trump is “not the most important person in the world.”)

The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) announced on Monday that “decided to discontinue the CoronaVac vaccine clinical trial after a serious incident” on October 29, although the institute responsible for the trials and the government of Sao Paulo, whose governor Joao Doria is Bolsonaro’s main political adversary, assure that the death has no relation to the vaccine.

Bolsonaro’s controversial statements during the pandemic

Despite the fact that Brazil has been one of the countries most affected by the new coronavirus in the world, Bolsonaro has underestimated it on more than one occasion.

In March of this year he warned that covid-19, a disease caused by the virus, was nothing more than a “flu.” Since then he has shown his position against confinement measures, the closure of establishments and public places.

Later, in April, deaths and infections in Brazil began to accelerate. When asked about the deaths, he excused himself: “I’m sorry, but what do you want me to do?”

Bolsonaro taking hydroxychloroquine

The Brazilian president revealed on July 7 that he is infected with the new coronavirus and, days later, published a video in which he was taking hydroxychloroquine.


Facebook: Jair Messias Bolsonaro

Despite the recommendations and the constant worsening of the figures, he continued to appear in public and call mass demonstrations of his followers, some of whom attended without masks.

(Read on: Bolsonaro will be sued for taking off his mask with coronavirus).

Like US President Donald Trump, he began promoting the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) has not been shown to be effective against the virus. And, when he was infected, he posted videos in which he took the drug.

