Iván Márquez, ‘el paisa’ and ‘Santrich’ reappear asking for Duque’s resignation


The guerrilla leaders Iván Márquez, Jesús Santrich and Hernán Darío Velásquez, alias “el paisa”, They reappeared making a series of demands to the National Government and even asking for the resignation of the President of the Republic, Iván Duque.

In a statement, the guerrilla group called FARC-EP, ‘Segunda Marquetalia’, points out that Duque must leave the presidency of the Republic early, because he is an illegitimate president who wants to create chaos by destroying the balance of powers by incurring disrespect and public questioning of decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Read here: [VIDEO] Alias ​​’Jorge 40′ was transferred to the bunker cells of the Prosecutor’s Office

“The coronavirus that had saved him from anger and popular outrage on the streets, no longer serves to appease popular discontent, much less, their appearances daily on television, “said the statement.

Equally reject a judicial reform by the National Government, which according to them seek to build an institutional branch that guarantees the impunity of former Senator Uribe and surrendered to the devil’s lawyers.

For the Farc EP ‘Segunda Marquetalia ” His hypocritical words are of no use when the government, instead of helping the poor in confinement and without food, he helped entrepreneurs who have everything. He did not even distribute free masks in the popular neighborhoods.

Also read: Duque says that there should be “exemplary sanctions” against vandals

Notes that a final end must be put to the extermination of social leaders and former FARC combatants that already exceed a thousand dead after the signing of the peace agreement.

Conclude that a government with clean hands is needed that begins to extirpate the cancer of corruption, to listen to students, women, indigenous people, blacks, the LGTBI population and other discriminated sectors, to restore health to the people and to implement social shock measures aimed at freeing people from poverty .
