Iván Duque invites to reject elections in Venezuela


During your virtual speech, the head of state invited the entire international community, mainly the countries of the region, to reject the parliamentary elections in Venezuela, which will take place next December.

“We need to make an energetic call to all the nations of the world to raise their voices demanding truly free elections and not the prefabricated electoral orchestra to which they want to lead the Venezuelan people, solely to perpetuate the dictatorship,” he said.

President Iván Duque also pointed out to the UN that the regime, led by Nicolás Maduro, continues to constantly violate Human Rights and continues to host illegal groups in its territory, like the Eln and the FARC dissidents.

Through his official Twitter account, Jorge Arreaza, the Venezuelan foreign minister, rejected these accusations and attacked the Colombian president. “Duque’s hypocrisy is too much”wrote the diplomat.

Later, he added: “He presents himself as a hero of peace, human rights and the fight against drug trafficking. It is impossible to believe a single statement. The international community is not stupid. You stand before the world, like an unparalleled liar ”.

With these legislative elections, questioned by several countries in the region, the Maduro regime seeks to manage the National Assembly, the only body of power that currently controls the opposition.
