Iván Duque calls not to promote agglomerations – Government – Politics


President Iván Duque made a call this Friday in his ‘Prevention and Action’ program for people to continue taking care of themselves, complying with biosafety protocols, and thus contain the spread of the coronavirus.

“Here no one can lower their guard, be very careful to promote crowds and to relax the use of masks,” said the head of state.

(You can read: There are already more than 30 million diagnosed with coronavirus in the world)

The head of state added that when citizens relax with the use of masks, or there are crowds, “they run extremely high risks.”

This message comes hours after it became known that unions, centralized in the National Unemployment Committee, called a new mobilization scheduled for September 21 throughout the country.

(You may be interested in: National Unemployment Committee announces new mobilizations throughout the country)

“The epidemic continues, we must be careful, avoid crowds and have social distancing,” said Health Minister Fernando Ruiz.

In another aspect, the Minister of Housing, Jonathan Malagón, assured that all the programs announced in the Government to help those who want to buy a home are advanced, since thousands of people have already received these benefits.

In fact, this Friday the first No VIS (Social Interest Housing) subsidy was delivered, of the 100,000 that will be available until 2022. Erika Villamil was this first beneficiary.

(In context: See how to access the subsidy to buy a home in the middle class)

During his speech, the Minister also highlighted five points of what he projects as the legacy of the National Government for the sector. The first related, precisely, to the 200 thousand subsidies, 100 thousand for VIS, of which 15 thousand have already been managed, and the remaining 100 thousand for No VIS that Erika Villamil ‘inaugurated’ as the first beneficiary.

Twitter: @PoliticaET
