Iván Duque announces ‘Madrugón a la Navidad’ for Colombians to buy between November 15 and 30



“We are a few days away from starting November. I want to say that we must build this path so that the November 15 and 30, we Colombians get to the idea of ​​getting up early for Christmas“said President Iván Duque during the installation of the Congress of Confecámaras.

The president invited him to get up early for Christmas with commerce, “Get up early for Christmas with consumption, buying ours, Colombian buying Colombian, and that this allows us to close this month of November with a lot of desire to have a different Christmas”.

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“I want that with the cameras we build this purpose and we will be dedicating the next day, so that that second half of November allows us to get up early for Christmas, set the pace and spirit of those who want it to be a different Christmas,” he stressed.

San Victorino, Bogotá.  Photo: Bogotá City Hall.
San Victorino, Bogotá. Photo: Bogotá City Hall.

In this context, the president asserted that for months Colombians have been warned that the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic (covid-19) would change their way of life.

“I have been warning for several months that we would have Love and Friendship with covid, Halloween with covid, Christmas with covid and very possibly we will have next Easter with covid, but we do not say this to fill ourselves with bitterness, but so that we understand that our collective intelligence, that our civic culture, that our forceful ability not to lower our guard allows us to move forward without having to see tragic circumstances such as those that have occurred “explained President Duque.

On October 24, the head of state said that future holidays will be subject to how Colombians celebrate on October 31, and that based on the results, the guideline to follow for the other festivities that are coming to an end will be known. of year.

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“Halloween will be a challenge important but small, compared to what the holiday season can be, but what we do well this Halloween will serve as a guideline for us to manage the December season with the novenas, with the love of all the families, but carrying those health messages “, he assured.

For this October 31, several cities in the country decided to impose a curfew and dry law due to the increase in coronavirus infections. Likewise, They invited the community to be responsible in celebrating Halloween, which can be enjoyed from home.
